เมื่อ “พินัยกรรม” คือจุดเริ่มต้นที่นำความวุ่นวายเข้ามาสู่ครอบครัววโรดม ไหนจะเรื่องที่ 2 พี่น้อง “วิน” และ “ลิน” ประสบอุบัติเหตุจนสลับร่างกัน วินในร่างลินจึงต้องหาทางแก้ไขด้วยการเดินทางขึ้นเขา เข้าป่า เพื่อไปตามหาน้ำมนต์จาก 4 วัด ภายในเวลาแค่ 7 วัน กับ “ไอ้กรณ์” เพื่อนรักที่กลายมาเป็นเพื่อนแค้น เพื่อกลับร่างเดิมให้ได้! แล้วยังต้องปกป้องฟาร์มจากมือของสองอาที่ต้องการจะแย่งสมบัติไปอีก
Korn and Win are best friends. Their friendship faced a problem after the death of Win and Lin's father because he gave Korn half of their land in his will.
One day, Win got into a car accident with his sister, Lin. He then woke up and found himself in Lin's body, while his body was still in a coma. The only way to fix it was to go collect holy water from the seven temples across Thailand with Korn. Although Win is technically trapped in Lin's body, Korn knows that the other person isn't Lin, but Win.
Can they fix the broken friendship and let another spark of feelings interfere through the pathways of their adventure?
Korn e Win são melhores amigos. A amizade deles enfrentou um problema após a morte de Win e do pai de Lin porque ele deu a Korn metade de suas terras em seu testamento. Um dia, Win sofreu um acidente de carro com sua irmã, Lin. Ele então acordou e se viu no corpo de Lin, enquanto seu corpo ainda estava em coma. A única maneira de consertá-lo era coletar água benta dos sete templos da Tailândia com Korn. Embora Win esteja tecnicamente preso no corpo de Lin, Korn sabe que a outra pessoa não é Lin, mas Win. Eles podem consertar a amizade quebrada e deixar outra centelha de sentimentos interferir nos caminhos de sua aventura?
Korn e Win são melhores amigos. A amizade deles enfrentou um problema após a morte de Win e do pai de Lin porque ele deu a Korn metade de suas terras em seu testamento. Um dia, Win sofreu um acidente de carro com sua irmã, Lin. Ele então acordou e se viu no corpo de Lin, enquanto seu corpo ainda estava em coma. A única maneira de consertá-lo era coletar água benta dos sete templos da Tailândia com Korn. Embora Win esteja tecnicamente preso no corpo de Lin, Korn sabe que a outra pessoa não é Lin, mas Win. Eles podem consertar a amizade quebrada e deixar outra centelha de sentimentos interferir nos caminhos de sua aventura?
История о Корне и Вине, которые раньше были лучшими друзьями. Семья Вина владела фермой, где они вместе играли, но, когда отец Вина умирает, дружба Корна и Вина превращается в прах. Вин и его сестра ссорятся и попадают в автомобильную аварию. Когда Вин приходит в себя, он обнаруживает себя в теле сестры. Единственный шанс вернуть все на свои места - собрать вместе с Корном святую воду из четырех храмов, расположенных по всему Таиланду. По пути им постепенно удается восстановить дружбу, которая, возможно, перерастет в нечто большее.