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Adaptaions of Gu Man's novels

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 7497
  • Created By Maria180493
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created February 5, 2021 by
    Maria180493 mod
  • Modified February 5, 2021 by
    Maria180493 mod



效力於風騰公司的白領麗人薛杉杉(趙麗穎 飾)突然被公司員工叫出來,原來公司老闆封騰(張翰 飾)的妹妹封月(張楊果而 飾)急需輸血,而她稀有的血型偏巧只有杉杉才有,於是杉杉只得按照老闆和主管的指示獻出鮮血。大概也從這一刻起,她才發現畢業於三流大學的自己能夠進入這家令人羨慕的大公司,並非是她有什麼過人的才能,更不是憑空撞上了狗屎運,無非是沾了稀有血型之光。獻血時間之後,杉杉得以和平時高高在上、不可一世的封騰。許是前世的因緣,一向正能量滿滿的小吃貨杉杉,偏偏成為封騰最愛欺負折磨的對象,有趣的故事也在這一過程中拉開序幕……



  赵默笙(唐嫣 饰)一直暗恋着高材生何以琛(钟汉良 饰),一段单纯美丽的校园爱情眼看着就要在两人之间展开,就在这个节骨眼上,和何以琛没有血缘关系的妹妹以玫(菅韧姿 饰)突然出现,让一对有情人擦肩而过,之后,赵默笙负气前往美国,两人再无联系。   一转眼七年过去,如今已经成为一名出色摄影师的赵默笙再次遇见了何以琛,此时的赵默笙才发现,自己一直都没有忘记这个自己最爱也是伤害自己最深的男人。可是,今非昔比,如今的赵默笙和何以琛都早已不是曾经的青葱年少,接踵而至的意外,剪不断理还乱的过往,在巨大的压力和阻碍面前,这一对罗密欧朱丽叶式的情侣能否坚持他们的选择,再度走到一起?

You Are My Sunshine


In their university days, Zhao Mosheng fell in love at first sight with law student He Yichen. Through various incidents where Mosheng "stalked" Yichen on campus, Mosheng's cheerful personality charmed Yichen, and they slowly became college sweethearts. When Yichen's foster sister Yimei challenged Mosheng for Yichen's attention, Mosheng turned directly to Yichen for clarification, but did not expect to receive a cold response from him. Mistaking that Yichen and Yimei are a couple, Mosheng followed her father's arrangements and moved to the United States to continue her studies. Seven years later, Mosheng - who is now a professional photographer - returns to China, and coincidentally bumps into the unforgettable Yichen. Since the seven years they broke up, many people stand in the way of these star-crossed lovers: foster-sister Yimei; Mosheng's marriage in United States; the unrelentingly infatuated ex-husband Ying Hui; as well as the financial grudges between the couple's fathers. All these situations continue to affect the two former lovers, but instead, these misunderstandings and challenges give them a better comprehension of the love they have missed over the past seven years.



  贝微微(郑爽 饰)是校园里的系花加学霸,而在虚拟的网络世界中,她是侠肝义胆仗剑江湖的红衣女侠“芦苇微微”。在游戏中,贝微微结识了“真水无香”,两人结为侠侣,没想到贝微微却因为不愿以真面目示人而遭到了真水无香的抛弃,在游戏中莫名其妙“被离婚”的贝微微之后又遇见了江湖高手“一笑奈何”,两人为了完成游戏任务而走到了一起。   让贝微微没有想到的是,一笑奈何的线下身份,竟然是自己的同校师兄肖奈(杨洋 饰),肖奈是校园中的风云人物,篮球队的主力军,两人的情谊从线上发展到线下,一段跨越了虚拟与现实的感情就此拉开序幕。



讲述了致敬航天梦想、相守初心的故事。航天设计师于途邂逅星光闪耀的乔晶晶,携手砥砺前行成为彼此的荣耀 。