His Last Game

The pitcher for the Choctaw baseball team, Bill Going, is confronted by crooks regarding an upcoming game. The crooks try bribing Bill with money and drink to get him to throw the game, but he spurns their offers. One of the crooks pulls out a pistol and Bill wrests it away from him, accidentally killing him. The sheriff arrests Bill. Bill is next seen standing near a freshly-dug grave, while a firing squad is readied. The tribe's chief convinces the sheriff to allow him to stand in for Bill so that Bill can pitch in the big game. The sheriff writes a plea for a reprieve and sends it with a rider in hopes that mercy will be granted Bill due to the circumstances surrounding the shooting. Bill goes to the game and leads the Choctaws to victory and then returns to his position before the firing squad while the sheriff waits for a last minute reprieve.


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