The Big Empty

John Person (his stage name) is an out-of-work actor living in Los Angeles, with credit card debt of almost $28,000. Across the hall from him lives his friend, Grace. One night, his nebbish neighbor Neely, who wears a neck brace, invades his apartment with an unusual request: deliver a large blue suitcase to the truck stop of Baker, California, where it will be picked up by a man named "Cowboy", for which he will be given $25,000. John is also given a gun to defend against anyone taking the case. He initially refuses and thinks the plan is insane, but Neely has a file containing much of John's personal information, including masturbation preferences and sperm sample test results. Realizing that Neely is serious, John takes the job, but demands that he be given $28,000 to pay off his debts. Neely agrees, and John drives to Baker.

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