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Season 2017

  • S2017E01 Questions about Capitalism

    • March 12, 2017
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    On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff gives updates on Caterpillar tax evasion, Obamacare, slave labor for immigrants, Harvard and slavery, billionaires, Puerto Rico, and Greece. Major discussion: questions about capitalism.

  • S2017E02 US Housing Crisis

    • March 19, 2017
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    On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on FED and interest rates, new US and China inequality data, BLS on wage stagnation, Ford and GM build factories in China, more Big bankers join Trump. Interview with Walter South on US housing crisis.

  • S2017E03 Capitalism and Democracy

    • March 27, 2017
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    On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Puerto Rico, slave labor in the cocoa fields, worsening UK inequality, leaders imposing austerity on others, Canada's Girl Guides among tourists to shun US. Major discussions: rising US wage inequality; connection and opposition between capitalism and democracy; key differences between capitalist and worker-coop enterprises.

  • S2017E04 Capitalism in Trouble

    • April 2, 2017
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    On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on major troubles (Brexit, Trump, etc.), student debt penalty, New York billionaires ask to be taxed, Trump's job fantasies, Seattle's official renters commission, age discrimination. The second half of the show is dedicated to major discussions on (1) the economics of immigration, and (2) how worker coops differ from capitalist corporations on where and how to produce.

  • S2017E05 Economics, Psychology & Trump

    • April 9, 2017
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    On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on Citibank says it favors the rich, French presidential elections, US college admissions favor the rich, injustice of US property tax system. In the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff is joined by Dr. Harriet Fraad who will talk about the economic and psychological causes of Trump's election and Trump's performance to date.

  • S2017E06 US Labor Unions: Past, Present, Future

    • April 16, 2017
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    On this week's episode: Updates on United Airlines' flier abuse, Cuomo's flawed "free college" plan, what to do as self-drive vehicles end millions of jobs, and how big investors plan to cash in on Trump infrastructure plans. Special Guest: Frank R. Annunziato on tragedy of US labor unions today, why that tragedy happened, and how to reverse it.

  • S2017E07 Enabling Worker Coops

    • April 23, 2017
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    On this week's episode of Economic Update, Richard Wolff presents updates on capitalism and Earth Day, Chinese movie industry overtakes Hollywood, small businesses use cooperatives to compete better with big business. On the second half of the show, Wolff is joined by Rich Bartlett, cofounder of Loomio, powerful software worker-coop facilitating collective decision-making.

  • S2017E08 Rising Costs of Capitalism's Failures

    • April 30, 2017
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    This week, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on courts blocking Trumps attack on sanctuary cities, selling Whole Foods, Jack Ma and blaming technology for jobs collapse, falling department store jobs since 2000, British queen's enterprise award to UK worker coop, Suma. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff takes on Trump's corporate tax "reform," crisis as millions of new entrants into global job markets find too few jobs, SSDI crudely targeted by Trump budget director, populism as an elite-vs people formatting of elections.

  • S2017E09 Economics & Family Values

    • May 7, 2017
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    On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff presents updates on French election's significance; Obama's $400,000 bank speaking fee; US corp tax cuts; Wells Fargo "saved" by Warren Buffett; why bringing home US corps' foreign profits just helps them. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff is joined by Dr. Harriet Fraad who talks about the contradictions of "family values" in the US economy.

  • S2017E10 Why Worker Coops?

    • May 14, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Richard Wolff discusses Australian government taxes, big banks funding of Dakota Access Pipeline, meaning of French elections, Trump/GOP's plan to end estate taxes, and rising role of monopoly in US economy. Prof. Jessica Gordon Nembhard, historian of worker coops and African-American community, joins Prof. Wolff in the second half to talk about "why worker coops" make sense.

  • S2017E11 What France's Election Means

    • May 21, 2017
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    On this episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff discusses Yale grad students hunger strike for a union, US raising interest rates on student loans, 2 new Senate bills on worker ownership of enterprises, and some economic dimensions of Mother's Day. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff talks with French political activist, Antonin Plarier, on the meaning of the French presidential election.

  • S2017E12 Worker Coops As Our Economic Future

    • May 28, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about Trump's 2018 budget, Ford's undemocratic decisions, US opioid epidemic, Swiss vote to end nuclear power, Harley-Davidson moving jobs overseas, Canada outlaws overbooking seats on planes. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff interviews John Curl, author and coop worker, on importance of worker coops.

  • S2017E13 Economic Failures and the Blame Game

    • June 4, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on big banks fix rates, IRS checks on churches, CEOs' pay rises fastest to worsen US inequality. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff will discuss in more detail the following topics: blaming the poor for poverty and over-crediting the super rich; how superrich oil countries and companies control modern economies; and how Trump's attacks on Germany are more "fake news."

  • S2017E14 Human Nature & Capitalism

    • June 11, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on California, Nevada steps toward universal medical insurance, Toronto housing bubble, Air Traffic Controllers and the privatization issue, US, Mexico fight over non-free market in sugar, Illinois credit decline. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff welcomes Dr. Harriet Fraad who talks about human nature.

  • S2017E15 When US Gov't Destroyed a Political Party

    • June 18, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Oklahoma cuts funds for public schools, why Americans dont take paid vacations owed them, how coal/oil companies fight solar/wind companies to buy politicians that decide what energy system we must live with. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff is joined by Lisa E Davis, author of "Undercover Girl" who will talk about undoing the New Deal, FBI paid informers and destruction of the CPUSA.

  • S2017E16 Capitalism's Self-Destruction

    • June 27, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on declining Cal State University system, Trump vs coal industry realities, Hudson Yards for mega-rich vs New York's social needs, lotteries' and legalized pot's same economic motives. On the second half of the show, major discussions of: politics and economic betrayal, revenge; Trump's new austerity budget; why worker coops deserve govt supports; and worker coops and democracy.

  • S2017E17 Capitalism's Shadow: Poverty

    • July 2, 2017
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    On this week's episode, Prof.Wolff presents updates on European sanctuary cities, McDonald's automation, Travis Kalanic, and ritzy restaurant rips off workers. Anti-poverty activist Rob Robinson joins Prof. Wolff for the second half of the show.

  • S2017E18 Addiction, Capitalism and 12 Steps

    • July 10, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff provides updates on car loans, sales showing falsity of "recovery" claims, airline profits vs service, the G-20 meetings coordinate global austerity, July 4 and capitalism, and the misleading debate over raising minimum wages and losing jobs. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff is joined by Dr. Harriet Fraad who will talk about the connections among addictions, capitalism and 12-step programs.

  • S2017E19 Capitalism's Leaders

    • July 16, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Richard D. Wolff presents updates on dueling health bills, cutting minimum wages, Pope on labor unions, Seattle taxes the rich. On the second half of the show, major discussions of G-20 "leaders," Detroit's "revival," beer company goes to worker ownership and directorship.

  • S2017E20 Economics Taught Badly

    • July 23, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on United Airlines' profits from customer abuse; bankster blames government; China's rapid economic growth; and worker coop news from Greece, New York, and Massachusetts. On the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff is joined by Economics professor John Summa who talks about the big problems in economics teaching.

  • S2017E21 Economics of Socialism

    • July 31, 2017
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    On this week's show, Prof. Richard D. Wolff presents updates on Russia sanctions, medical companies' failures, cable company monopolies, CEO pay, battling Marxian economics in Utah. In the second half of the show a major discussion of economics of socialism.

  • S2017E22 Collective Action for Change

    • August 6, 2017
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    The first half of this week’s show provides updates on consumers’ battling airplane seat shrinkage, a “free” press and the purchase of the Chicago Sun Times newspaper, fake “jobs creation” proclamations for subsidies and publicity and a new museum featuring artists challenging capitalism. Prof. Wolff interviews Dr. Harriet Fraad about how and why so many people wait so long before joining collective action to change economic and social conditions.

  • S2017E23 Faith & Labor Fight Inequality

    • August 14, 2017
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    This week’s Economic Update takes a look at how golf courses are economically undemocratic, how pharmaceutical corporations work to block cheaper drug imports, why corporations in the U.S. do not need or deserve tax cuts, how Monsanto bought academic research to keep its dangerous "Roundup" product on the market, and the politics and economics of scapegoating immigrants in the US and Germany. The second half of this week’s episode features an interview with Joerg Rieger and Rosemarie Henkel-Rieger as they discuss how they combine faith and labor advocation to undo inequality in the US.

  • S2017E24 Economics as Deception

    • August 20, 2017
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    This week's episode looks at report on the growing income gap between Millennials and Baby Boomers, Americans paying more for less when it comes to healthcare and pharmaceuticals, the deepening scandals of German automotive corporations, and why a Chinese clothing manufacturer's investment in Arkansas teaches frightening economic lessons. SPECIAL GUEST: Economics Professor Michael Hudson on "Junk Economics".