All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Ranvijay Steals a Baby

    • October 29, 2012
    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay yearns for a baby sister after seeing his friends' sisters tying rakhi to them. His father Sampooran Singh is the village headman and is considered to be a fair leader when it comes to settling disputes. Sampooran talks to his wife Ratanjeet about having another child. Ratanjeet tells him that Ranvijay's new hobby is to collect bottle caps. Ranvijay sees an unattended baby in the hospital and brings the baby home. The parents and the hospital staff search for the baby.

  • S01E02 Sampooran Returns the Baby

    • October 30, 2012
    • STAR Plus

    The parents go to the Sarpanch's house with a complaint against the doctor for losing their baby. They see the baby in Ranvijay's arms and ask Sampooran to punish him. Ranvijay tells them that he took the baby from the hospital to make her his sister. Sampooran apologises for Ranvijay's mistake. Ratanjeet tells Chaiji that she and Sampooran have been trying to have another baby but she miscarried twice. Sampooran cheers up Ranvijay. Meanwhile, a woman leaves her baby in the temple.

  • S01E03 Ranvijay writes to God

    • October 31, 2012
    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay writes a letter to god wishing for a baby sister. He mails it to a Gurudwara in Punjab. Sampooran tells him about his dream of building an agricultural school in the village. Ranvijay vows to fulfill his dream. Chaiji becomes sad when Ranvijay asks her why she does not have children. Sampooran makes a jasmine garland for Ratanjeet. His friend, Kartaar returns home bearing gifts for everyone from his trip. Ranvijay is upset as he fails to bring him snow. Ratanjeet learns she is pregnant.

  • S01E04 Kartaar's Secret

    • STAR Plus

    Ratanjeet asks Sampooran not to share her pregnancy news with anyone. They learn about Ranvijay's letter to the god. Ranvijay punishes Kartaar for not bringing him snow from his honeymoon trip. Ratanjeet reveals to Gurpreet that Kartaar was engaged once before but that the woman had run away on the wedding day. Kartaar apologises to Gurpreet for not confiding in her. He vows not to hide anything from her hereafter. Sampooran hesitates when Ranvijay asks him to make a similar vow to Ratanjeet.

  • S01E05 Sampooran settles a marital dispute in the Panchayat

    • STAR Plus

    Sampooran is guilt ridden about hiding a truth from Ratanjeet. He settles a marital dispute in the Panchayat and punishes the husband for breaking his wife's trust. Ratanjeet talks to Ranvijay about the responsibilities of caring for a baby sister. Chaiji finds out about Ratanjeet's pregnancy and brings the village women to Sampooran's house to celebrate the good news. A woman who has been thrown out of her parents' house travels to Preetampura to find a family for her baby.

  • S01E06 Amrita dies in Sampooran's house

    • STAR Plus

    Amrita comes to meet Sampooran along with her baby girl. She tells him that he is the father of her child. Ratan overhears their conversation and beats Amrita. Ratan becomes tormented as Sampooran concedes that he is the father to Amrita's daughter and locks herself in the room. Sampooran informs Ratan that Amrita is dead, but she breaks her relationship with him. Ranvijay gives all his bottle caps to Jeete to get a rakhi. He comes home and becomes elated to meet his sister.

  • S01E07 Kartaar learns of Sampooran's betrayal

    • STAR Plus

    Kartaar is shocked to see Amrita's dead body in Sampooran's house. He blames Amrita, who was once engaged to him, for his mother's death, as she had run away on their wedding day. He sees Amrita's baby and becomes enraged by Sampooran's betrayal. The villagers condemn Sampooran for betraying his wife and best friend. Sampooran performs Amrita's funeral rites without anyone's help. Chaiji consoles Ratan. Ranvijay shows off his sister to his friends. He fights with a boy for making her cry.

  • S01E08 Sampooran decides to perform Amrita's funeral rites

    • STAR Plus

    Chaiji condemns Sampooran for breaking Ratan's trust. The village people question Sampooran's integrity when he decides to perform Amrita's funeral rites. They refuse to help him arrange the funeral. Sampooran dresses up Amrita like a bride. Chaiji tries to stop Ratan from witnessing the scene. Ranvijay thinks that Sampooran is in trouble for taking a baby from the hospital and prepares sorbet to placate the village people. He sees Sampooran putting bangles on Amrita's hands and questions him.

  • S01E09 Ranvijay feeds Amrita's baby and sings her a lullaby

    • STAR Plus

    Baldev tells Ranvijay that sisters are very demanding. Ranvijay vows to be the best brother to his sister. Chaiji tells Sampooran to stay away from Ratan until she deals with his betrayal. Sampooran asks her to feed Amrita's baby but she refuses. He apologises to Ratan but she threatens to kill herself if he comes near her again. Ranvijay gets hurt while sneaking into a stable to milk a cow. The owner accuses him of stealing the milk. Sampooran feeds milk to the baby. Ranvijay sings a lullaby.

  • S01E10 Ratan tries to keep Ranvijay away from Amrita's baby

    • STAR Plus

    Sampooran tells Ranvijay that Ratan is sick and asks him not to disturb her. Ranvijay puts the baby to sleep. He overcomes his fear of cockroaches to protect his sister. Sampooran burns his hand while cooking for Ranvijay. Ranvijay eats the burnt rotis without complaining. Sampooran urges Ratan to eat but she refuses. Ratan tries to keep Ranvijay away from Amrita's baby. He becomes upset when she tells him that the baby is not his sister.

  • S01E11 Sampooran is summoned by the Panchayat

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay decks the baby's face with powder and shows her off to Ratan. Ratan becomes hysterical and orders him to keep the baby out of her sight. Ranvijay thinks that Ratan dislikes his sister because she is weak. Baldev takes revenge on Ranvijay by promising to give him tips on increasing Ratan's strength. The village people plan to replace Sampooran as the Sarpanch. Sampooran tells Chaiji that he has been summoned by the Panchayat. Baldev's mother wishes for her husband to become the Sarpanch.

  • S01E12 Sampooran decides to nurture the baby

    • STAR Plus

    The Panchayat gives a verdict that the baby should not be nurtured in the village. Sampooran requests the Panchayat to be pitiful to the baby. Being the Sarpanch, Sampooran informs the villagers that the baby should be nurtured by its father. Ranvijay asks Ratan’s suggestions in nurturing the baby. Chaiji asks Ratan to take care of her unborn baby.

  • S01E13 Ratan refuses to nurture Amrita's baby

    • STAR Plus

    Sampooran asks Ratan to nurture Amrita's baby. Ratan tells him that she will not care for his illegitimate child because it reminds her of his betrayal. She cuts her hand on seeing Sampooran and Ranvijay feeding the baby. A dhabawala gives a bag full of bottle caps to Ranvijay for his collection. Ranvijay takes the baby to Gurudwara and thanks God for giving him a sister. Sampooran writes a letter to Ratan explaining about what had occurred between Amrita and him. Ratan falls down the stairs.

  • S01E14 Ratan has a miscarriage

    • STAR Plus

    Sampooran takes Ratan to the hospital after she falls down the stairs while running away from him. The doctor tells him that Ratan had a miscarriage. Ratan and Kartaar blame Sampooran for the loss. Ranvijay talks to the baby about Sampooran's dream to build an agricultural school in the village. Baldev tells him that he will ask his father to build a wrestling arena in that land. Sampooran asks Ranvijay to take care of Ratan and his baby sister. He gives him a feeding bottle for the baby.

  • S01E15 Sampooran goes missing

    • STAR Plus

    Chaiji brings Ratan home from the hospital and tends to her. She panics as Sampooran goes missing. She decides not to stress Ratan by informing her of his disappearance. Kartaar and few other men search for him in the village. Ranvijay tells Chaiji that Sampooran had asked him to take care of Ratan and the baby. Chaiji teaches him to test the temperature of the milk before feeding the baby. Ranvijay builds a stroller for the baby. Kartaar tells Chaiji that he could not find Sampooran.

  • S01E16 Bansari tells Ranvijay that Sampooran has deserted Ratan and him

    • STAR Plus

    Baldev fights with Ranvijay for the baby stroller. Gurpreet, Bansari and the other village women gather in Sampooran's house to gossip about Ratan's plight. Chaiji defends Sampooran's character when the women condemn his behaviour. Ratan states that Sampooran left her without giving her time to deal with his betrayal. Bansari tells Ranvijay that Sampooran has abandoned Ratan and him. Chaiji reassures Ranvijay that Sampooran will return home. Ranvijay tells Chaiji to bathe his sister.

  • S01E17 Ratan decides to work in the field and provide for Ranvijay

    • STAR Plus

    Kartaar informs Chaiji that someone had seen Sampooran boarding a bus to the mandi. Ratan refuses to forgive Sampooran for abandoning his family and decides to take over the responsibility of the family. She plans to work in the field and provide for Ranvijay. Chaiji supports her decision. Ratan scolds Ranvijay for dressing up Amrita's baby in the clothes that she had bought for her own child. Ranvijay pretends to be sick to avoid going to school. Ratan drives the tractor in the field.

  • S01E18 Ranvijay takes his baby sister to the school with him

    • STAR Plus

    The villagers are astonished to see Ratan driving the tractor in the field. Ranvijay takes his sister to the school and hides her in a classroom. Baldev reports about it to the teacher. Ranvijay quits school when the teacher asks him to leave the baby at home. He panics when the baby goes missing. He asks Ratan to come up with a name for the baby. Bansari pampers Baldev and ill treats his sister. Chaiji asks Balwant to assign a person to find Sampooran, but Bansari forbids him.

  • S01E19 Ranvijay asks God to give a name for his baby sister

    • STAR Plus

    Ratan refuses to name Amrita's baby. She looks at the chits on which she and Sampooran had written down the name of their unborn child. Ranvijay ties one end of a thread around the baby's leg and the other end around his wrist to keep track of her. He goes to the Gurudwara and asks god to give a name for his sister. He invites people to his sister's naming ceremony. Bansari declares that no one will attend the ceremony. Ranvijay punctures Baldev's cycle tyre for calling his sister a sin.

  • S01E20 Ranvijay names his sister Veera

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay reads a book containing baby names to choose a name for his sister. He plans his sister's naming ceremony. Ratan checks on Ranvijay after he falls asleep. Ranvijay covers the baby with a blanket. Ratan removes the blanket from the baby's face. The village people celebrate Guru Nanak's birthday in Gurdwara. Ranvijay thinks that the decoration and the feast are for his sister's naming ceremony. Granthi tells him to pick a name starting with the letter V. Ranvijay names his sister Veera.

  • S01E21 Ranvijay makes a promise to Ratan to not quit school

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay names the baby Veera. Bansari expresses displeasure in performing the baby's naming ceremony on Guru Nanak's birthday in the Gurdwara. Granthi advises her not to call the baby a sin. Ratan reads the chit and realises that Sampooran had wanted to name their unborn child Veera. Ranvijay asks her to embroider Veera's name in a handkerchief. He takes up the role of Veera's mother as Ratan refuses to nurture the baby. Chaiji teaches him to make a cradle. Ratan asks Ranvijay to go to school.

  • S01E22 Ranvijay attacks Baldev for threatening to pinch Veera

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay makes a promise to Ratan that he will not quit school. He takes Veera with him to school but the peon refuses to let him inside. The teacher informs Ratan that Ranvijay has been absent for the last few days. Ranvijay confesses to Ratan that he has been hiding in the school campus during class time. Baldev envies Ranvijay when the other kids play with Veera and not him. Ranvijay throws a stone at Baldev for threatening to pinch Veera. Baldev gets hurt. Bansari warns Ratan.

  • S01E23 Ranvijay asks Kartaar to bring Sampooran home

    • STAR Plus

    Ratan berates Chaiji for letting Ranvijay take Veera with him to school. She tells Ranvijay to let go of his obsession with Veera. Ranvijay refuses to go to school until Sampooran returns home to take care of Veera. Ratan slaps him for being disobedient and tells him that Sampooran has deserted them. Ranvijay asks Kartaar to bring Sampooran back. Gurpreet asks Kartaar to forgive Sampooran. Kartaar agrees to search for Sampooran but refuses to forgive him. Ratan apologises to Ranvijay.

  • S01E24 The parents forbid their children to play with Veera

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay asks Ratan to take care of Veera when he is at school. Ratan plans to make some other arrangements for Veera for the sake of her son's future. Bansari shows Baldev's head injury to the villagers and incites them against Ranvijay and Veera. She claims that Veera will have bad influence on their children. The parents forbid their children to play with Veera. Ranvijay gives up his friends for the sake of his sister. He dreams that an angel visits Veera and gives her clothes and toys.

  • S01E25 Ratan leaves Veera in an orphanage

    • STAR Plus

    At night, Ratan leaves Veera in an orphanage while Ranvijay is asleep. She appears as an angel in Ranvijay's dream. Ranvijay asks her to hold Veera in her arms and kiss her. He dreams that the angel is protecting Veera and him from the villagers who are trying to separate them. Ratan returns home and hears Ranvijay humming a lullaby in his sleep. In the morning, she wakes him up and asks him to get ready for school. Ranvijay brings milk for Veera and panics on not finding her on the bed.

  • S01E367 Gunjan learns that Veera is aware of her intention

    • STAR Plus

    Chaiji warns Veera not to apply colour on her. Veera finds Gunjan going out of the house, and follows her. Gunjan wishes to run away, and seeks Jagjeet's help regarding the same. Veera learns that Gunjan had called Jagjeet, and warns him. Jagjeet decides to take revenge on Veera, using Gunjan. Veera confronts Gunjan for calling Jagjeet. Gunjan tries to mislead Veera. Veera orders Gunjan to tell the truth. Gunjan learns that Veera is aware of her intention. Veera blackmails Gunjan and advises her to accept Ranvijay.

  • S01E368 Baldev and his friends mix bhang in lassi

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay wishes Veera on the occasion of Holi. Later, Chaiji and Ratan wish Ranvijay and Veera on the occasion of Holi. Chaiji informs Gunjan that their family has invited the residents of Pritampura to celebrate Holi. Veera suspects Gunjan's behaviour towards the family. Ranvijay informs Veera that they should give some time to Gunjan, to rectify her mistake. Baldev and his friends mix bhang in lassi. He lies to Veera about the same. Baldev tries to stop Veera from drinking the lassi, but in vain.

  • S01E369 Gunjan destroys the evidences against her

    • STAR Plus

    The villagers dance on Holi, and celebrate the festival with colours. Veera's mobile phone falls down, and Chaiji collects it. Baldev professes his love to Veera. He shares his views about love with Veera. However, Veera makes fun of him. Baldev's friends comfort him. Gunjan takes Veera's mobile phone, and deletes the evidences against her. Later, she drops the mobile phone in a pot of water. Ranvijay applies colour to Gunjan.

  • S01E370 Veera leaves Gunjan at her maternal house

    • STAR Plus

    Gunjan confronts Ranvijay for applying colours to her. Later, she claims that Ranvijay has taken advantage of her. Ranvijay becomes upset by the same. Veera rebukes Gunjan for hurting Ranvijay. Gunjan informs Veera that she has destroyed the evidences against herself. Veera asks Gunjan to leave her house. She forcibly takes Gunjan to Balwant's house. Baldev and Veera apply colour to each other. Later, Veera sprains her leg. Balwant becomes delighted on seeing Gunjan, and enquires her about Ranvijay.

  • S01E371 Chaiji finds Veera's mobile phone in the pot

    • STAR Plus

    Balwant insists Gunjan to take care of her marital life. Baldev carries Veera in his arms, and takes her to his room. Bansari's friends praise Ranvijay in front of her. Chaiji finds Veera's mobile phone in the pot. Ranvijay visits Balwant's house. Gunjan questions Bansari regarding her changed behaviour towards Ranvijay. Bansari informs Gunjan that she will not give shelter to her, if she breaks her marriage with Ranvijay. Gunjan speaks to Jagjeet, over the phone.

  • S01E372 Veera allows Gunjan to enter her house

    • STAR Plus

    Veera becomes surprised about Bansari's changed behaviour towards her and Ranvijay. Bansari informs Baldev that Ranvijay might not compete for the post of Sarpanch, if he wins his confidence. Baldev embraces Ranvijay and wishes him on the occasion of Holi. Veera taunts Gunjan. She allows Gunjan to enter her house as she agrees to follow her instructions. Ratan and Chaiji become surprised on learning that Bansari has sent sweets for them. Veera assigns household work to Gunjan.

  • S01E373 Veera gifts her anklets to Gunjan

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay helps Gunjan with the household work. Ratan thinks that she should have not assigned household work to Gunjan. Veera assigns more work to Gunjan. Balwant informs Bansari that Ranvijay will become the Sarpanch of the village. Bansari informs Baldev that she forgot to give the earrings to Gunjan. Gunjan decides to teach a lesson to Veera. Veera gifts her anklets to Gunjan as Bansari has not sent any gift for her. Later, Baldev gives the earrings to Gunjan.

  • S01E374 Baldev asks Gunjan to accept Ranvijay

    • STAR Plus

    Baldev gifts earrings to Gunjan. Gunjan becomes sad on learning about Veera's outlook about her. Baldev tries to console Gunjan, and asks her to accept Ranvijay. Veera becomes furious at Gunjan for her behaviour towards Ranvijay. Gunjan becomes enraged at Ranvijay, and asks him not to interfere in her personal matters. Later, Veera asks Gunjan to do the household chores. Chaiji and Ratan discuss about Ranvijay's behaviour after getting married to Gunjan.

  • S01E375 Gunjan asks Ranvijay to stay away from her

    • STAR Plus

    Veera pretends to care for Gunjan in front of Baldev, to make her prepare food. Baldev challenges Veera, and informs her that Gunjan will be preparing food for the family. Gunjan becomes furious at Ranvijay, and asks him to stay away from her. Baldev becomes enraged at Gunjan for her behaviour towards Ranvijay's family. On Veera and Ratan's insistence, Ranvijay agrees to visit the city, along with Gunjan and Baldev. The bank manager informs Gunjan that the bank has granted her a loan of Rs. 75000.

  • S01E376 Gunjan tries to steal money

    • STAR Plus

    Veera refuses to sell their crops at a low rate, and informs the same to the buyer. The buyer pays Rs. 4 lakh as advance to Ratan for the crops. Ratan asks Veera to keep the money in her cupboard. Veera informs Chaiji and Ranvijay that the buyer has paid Rs. 4 lakh as advance. Gunjan eavesdrops on their conversation. She tries to steal the money, but in vain. Veera apologises to Chaiji for her mistake. Ratan informs Chaiji that Veera has helped her in selling the crops at the right price.

  • S01E377 Gunjan lies to Ratan that she is going to her maternal house

    • STAR Plus

    Veera overhears Ranvijay and Gunjan's conversation. She becomes furious at Baldev for entering her room without her permission. Baldev informs Veera that Ranvijay has brought a mobile phone for her. Veera becomes enraged at Gunjan for insulting Ranvijay. Gunjan becomes angry at Veera for forcing her to do the household chores. She calls a travel agent, and asks him to help her in going to Canada. Gunjan packs her belongings, to go to Canada. She lies to Ratan that she is going to her maternal house.

  • S01E378 Veera and Ranvijay search for Gunjan

    • STAR Plus

    Chaiji asks Veera to bring her medicines. Gunjan gives Rs. 80000 to the travel agent. Veera becomes furious at Baldev for ruining her mobile phone, and asks him to get it repaired. Baldev informs Ratan that Gunjan has not come to their house. Veera becomes shocked on learning the same. Later, she lies to Ratan and Chaiji that Gunjan is in her maternal house. Veera informs Ranvijay that Gunjan is missing. They search for Gunjan. Gunjan becomes enraged at the agent, and asks him to return her money.

  • S01E379 The travel agent refuses to return Gunjan's money

    • STAR Plus

    Bansari informs Ratan that Gunjan has not come to meet her. Ratan informs Chaiji that Ranvijay and Veera have lied to them about Gunjan. Gunjan becomes furious at the travel agent, and asks him to return her money. The travel agent refuses to return Gunjan's money. Ranvijay becomes enraged at the travel agent, and beats him for trying to kill Gunjan. Gunjan informs Ranvijay that she was trying to escape from Pritampura. Balwant comes to Ratan's house, and enquires about Gunjan.

  • S01E380 Ratan scolds Ranvijay

    • STAR Plus

    Chaiji and Balwant scold Gunjan for lying to them, and enquire about her whereabouts. Ranvijay lies to them that he had taken Gunjan to the city, to watch a movie. Ratan scolds Ranvijay. Baldev wishes to take Veera to a movie, to which she refuses. Gunjan asks Ranvijay about the reason for caring for her. Ranvijay tells her that he did it for his family. Veera tells Gunjan that Ranvijay loves her a lot. Ranvijay apologises to Gunjan for sharing a bed with her. Gunjan feels guilty for her deeds.

  • S01E381 Ranvijay confronts Gunjan for stealing the jewellery

    • STAR Plus

    Balwant decides to send Ranvijay and Gunjan on honeymoon. Bansari becomes shocked on noticing that the jewellery is missing from her house. She questions Gunjan about the jewellery in front of Ranvijay. Baldev suspects a servant, Jaswant, to be the thief and confronts him. Ranvijay saves Jaswant. On reaching home, Ranvijay confronts Gunjan for stealing the jewellery. Gunjan informs Ranvijay that she has mortgaged the jewellery, and lost the money that she had received in return.

  • S01E382 Ranvijay releases the mortgaged jewellery

    • STAR Plus

    Ranvijay tries to accumulate money, to release Bansari's jewellery from the bank, but in vain. Veera observes that Ranvijay is upset. Ranvijay convinces Baldev that Jaswant is innocent. Ratan gives Rs. 4 lakh to Ranvijay, to deposit in the bank. Ranvijay takes Rs. 75000 from Ratan, and releases the mortgaged jewellery from the bank. Veera follows Ranvijay to the bank, and learns about Gunjan's misdeed. Ranvijay asks Gunjan to return Bansari's jewellery to her. Veera confronts Gunjan.

  • S01E383 Gunjan defends Ranvijay

    • STAR Plus

    Gunjan keeps the jewellery under the sofa, and drops her earring near it, intentionally. Later, she informs Bansari that she has lost her earring. Bansari finds the jewellery and Gunjan's earring. Ranvijay does not return home in the night. Veera and Gunjan wait for him. Baldev criticises Ranvijay on learning that he was out of the house, the previous night. Gunjan defends Ranvijay. He informs Veera that Gunjan has taken Ranvijay's side. Veera informs Ranvijay about the same. Gunjan stitches a button of Ranvijay's Kurta.

  • S01E384 Ranvijay falls off the roof

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    Veera asks Gunjan the reason for helping Ranvijay. Gunjan assumes that she does not love Ranvijay, and is grateful to him for helping her every time. Baldev gifts a CD of a romantic movie to Veera, and asks her to rehearse the songs of that movie. Ranvijay climbs onto the roof for some work . Gunjan worries on seeing him climbing on a broken ladder. Ranvijay slips and falls off the roof. The doctor suggests Ranvijay to take rest. Gunjan tends to Ranvijay.

  • S01E385 Ranvijay decides to send Gunjan to Canada

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  • S01E386 Baldev sits beside Veera in the theatre

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    Ratan and Veera try to stop Ranvijay from working in the fields, but in vain. Gunjan tends to Ranvijay when he starts bleeding. She continues to work in the fields, and thanks Ranvijay for his help. Baldev assures Bansari that he will send her and Balwant for a movie. Veera brings food for Ranvijay and Gunjan. Later, Ranvijay assigns easy jobs to Gunjan. Chaiji and Veera go to watch a movie. Baldev sits beside Veera in the theatre, in disguise.

  • S01E387 Chaiji sits in between Veera and Baldev, in the theatre

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    On identifying Baldev, Veera leaves the theatre. Baldev claims that he has won the challenge. Chaiji takes both of them inside the theatre, and sits in between them. Ranvijay feeds Gunjan as she fails to wash her hand, and tends to her when she coughs. Baldev falls asleep in the theatre. Veera stops Chaiji from waking him up. Baldev offers to drop Veera to her house, but in vain. Baldev's friends suggest him to take Veera to a wedding.

  • S01E388 Baldev persuades Bansari to celebrate her 30th wedding anniversary

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    Baldev persuades Bansari to celebrate her thirtieth wedding anniversary. On Baldev's insistence, Bansari invites Ratan for her wedding anniversary. Ranvijay finds Gunjan ironing his kurtas, and instructs her not to do his personal works. Veera learns that Baldev has not informed Balwant about the celebration of the wedding anniversary. She persuades Balwant to celebrate the same for Ranvijay's happiness. Ratan asks Gunjan to buy a gift for her parents. She asks Ranvijay to accompany Gunjan.

  • S01E389 Baldev's friend clicks a photo of him and Veera together

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    Gunjan decides to purchase less expensive dresses for her parents. However, Ranvijay purchases the dresses which Gunjan had liked, in her absence. Ranvijay's family wishes Bansari and Balwant on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Ratan decides to celebrate Ranvijay and Gunjan's wedding anniversary every year. Gunjan finds her parents' wedding photograph. Bansari enlightens Gunjan about marital life. Veera helps Gunjan in learning about Ranvijay's choice while selecting a dress for herself. Baldev's friend clicks a photo of him and Veera together.

  • S01E390 Baldev's friends persuade him to profess his love to Veera

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    Bansari and Chaiji persuade Ranvijay to apply mehndi on Gunjan's hands. Gunjan becomes delighted by the same. Ratan gives presents to Bansari and Balwant on their wedding anniversary. Baldev's friends persuade him to profess his love to Veera. Veera asks a few questions to Bansari and Balwant about each other. Bansari and Balwant answer Veera's questions correctly. Later, Baldev asks a few questions to Ranvijay about Gunjan.

  • S01E391 Baldev wishes to marry Veera

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    Baldev asks a few questions to Ranvijay about Gunjan. Gunjan becomes upset on seeing Ranvijay ignoring her. Baldev professes his love to Veera. Ratan becomes worried about Ranvijay and Gunjan. Chaiji asks Ratan not to worry. Ratan wishes to speak to Ranvijay and Gunjan. Veera suggests Ratan to send Ranvijay and Gunjan on a trip. Chaiji, Ratan and Veera trick Ranvijay and Gunjan into visiting a temple together. Baldev wishes to marry Veera.

  • S01E392 Ranvijay and Gunjan go on a pilgrimage

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    Baldev asks Veera to marry him, to which she refuses. She informs Baldev about the qualities that she would want in the person whom she would marry. Ranvijay tells Gunjan that she can stay back, if she does not want to accompany him. During the journey, Gunjan falls asleep on Ranvijay's shoulder. Ratan asks Veera to buy a salwar for herself. Veera asks Ratan to buy a dress for her, of her choice. Baldev rehearses to amuse Veera with his jokes. He comforts Veera when she sprains her leg.

  • S01E393 Veera challenges Baldev to earn Rs. 100 within a day

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    Gunjan falls sick. She gets off the bus to vomit. The bus leaves Ranvijay and Gunjan behind. Ratan gifts a salwar suit to Veera. Baldev covers Veera with a dupatta. He suggests Chaiji and Ratan to get Veera married. Baldev informs them that he is aware of a prospective groom for Veera. Ratan and Chaiji reject the groom as he does not earn money. Veera challenges Baldev to earn Rs. 100 within a day. A stranger offers lift to Ranvijay and Gunjan.

  • S01E394 Ranvijay and Gunjan are lost in the forest

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    Ranvijay and Gunjan fail to find a way out of the forest. They spend the night in the forest. Gunjan becomes scared, and sleeps beside Ranvijay. On waking up, Gunjan becomes scared on not finding Ranvijay, and climbs a tree. Ranvijay asks Gunjan to come down, but in vain. Later, Ranvijay tricks Gunjan into coming down from the tree. Baldev makes an announcement in the village that he will do any work for Rs. 100. Gurucharan asks Baldev whether he can take care of his children.

  • S01E395 Ranvijay rescues Gunjan from a snake

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    Gurucharan's children trouble Baldev. Baldev fails to take care of the children. Gunjan lies to Ranvijay about the way out of the forest, in order to spend more time with him. Later, Gunjan gets separated from Ranvijay, and reaches the highway. Ranvijay reaches the highway in search of Gunjan. He rescues Gunjan from a snake. A truck driver offers to give them a lift. He drives the truck before Ranvijay boards it. Ranvijay chases the truck on a bicycle, and catches it.

  • S01E396 Ranvijay refuses to apply sindoor on Gunjan's forehead

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    Gunjan walks barefoot to a temple. Ranvijay sprinkles water on her path. Baldev helps a woman by carrying a pot for her. He asks for a pot from the woman. Baldev uses the pot in trading various items, and finally manages to earn Rs. 100. Gunjan and Ranvijay worship the goddess together. A priest asks Ranvijay to apply sindoor on Gunjan's forehead, to which he refuses.

  • S01E397 Gunjan decides to return to her paternal house

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    Ranvijay informs Gunjan that he has not done any favour on her. Gunjan tells Ranvijay that she will confess to her misdeeds on reaching Pritampura. However, Ranvijay seeks some time from Gunjan, to free her. Gunjan decides to return to her paternal house. Baldev informs Veera that he has sold the sweets to a tourist. Ratan calls Ranvijay, and suspects that he had an argument with Gunjan. Veera instructs Baldev to respect women. Baldev seeks Bansari's advice regarding the same.

  • S01E398 Ranvijay and Gunjan reach their respective houses

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    Baldev offers roses to the women of the village, to show his respect for them. The women misunderstand Baldev. Baldev decides to dance with Veera, but in vain. On seeing a couple, Baldev misunderstands that the boy is teasing the girl, and beats him. Later, he learns that the boy is the girl's fiance. On reaching Pritampura, Ranvijay and Gunjan go to their respective houses. Ranvijay informs Ratan that Gunjan has gone to her paternal house. Ratan decides to bring Gunjan back to the house.

  • S01E399 Ratan learns about Ranvijay and Gunjan's relationship

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    Ranvijay informs Ratan that he will not be able to disclose about his marital life. Gunjan tells her family that she has come home to meet them. Veera comforts Ranvijay. Ratan breaks down into tears on seeing Ranvijay upset. Chaiji cheers Ratan. Veera vents her frustration on Baldev. She mistakes Ratan to be Ranvijay, and discloses his past. Ratan persuades Veera to reveal about Ranvijay and Gunjan's relationship. She confronts Ranvijay for hiding the truth from her.

  • S01E400 Ratan decides to speak to Gunjan, in private

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    Baldev tries to learn whether Gunjan had any disagreement with Ranvijay, but in vain. Gunjan asks Baldev to hand over Ranvijay's kurta to him. Ranvijay and Veera perform a skit, and apologise to Ratan. Later, Veera informs Ratan that she believes that Gunjan has started loving Ranvijay. She tries to inform Gunjan that Ratan is aware of her secrets, over the phone. Baldev finds Gunjan absent-minded. Ratan arrives at Gunjan's house, and decides to speak to her, in private.

  • S01E401 Ratan persuades Ranvijay to get remarried

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    Bansari becomes worried on seeing Ratan speaking to Gunjan, in private. Ratan persuades Ranvijay to get remarried. She tells Veera that Gunjan and Ranvijay are in love, but will not profess their love to each other. Ratan informs Veera that Gunjan might profess her love to Ranvijay, if she persuades Ranvijay to remarry. Veera informs Baldev that Ranvijay will break his relationship with Gunjan. Gunjan breaks down into tears on learning the same. Balwant decides to speak to Ratan.

  • S01E402 Veera plans to reunite Ranvijay and Gunjan

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    Baldev, Bansari and Balwant arrive at Ratan's house. Ratan informs them that Ranvijay and Gunjan are not happy with each other. Balwant requests Ratan to give one more chance to Gunjan, but in vain. Gunjan makes a phone call to Ranvijay, but Veera disconnects her call. Baldev decides to beat Ranvijay. Veera informs Baldev about her plan of reuniting Ranvijay and Gunjan. Ranvijay visits Gunjan's house to return her belongings. Baldev does not let him meet Gunjan.

  • S01E403 Veera informs Gunjan that Ranvijay has agreed to get remarried

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    Ranvijay refuses to get remarried. Veera asks Ratan not to worry about Ranvijay. Baldev stops Bansari from badmouthing about Ranvijay and Ratan. Veera informs Gunjan that Ranvijay has agreed to get remarried. Ratan, Chaiji and Veera play a trick on Ranvijay and Gunjan. Balwant learns that Ranvijay has agreed to get remarried. He pleads with Ratan not to get Ranvijay remarried. Ratan tries to inform the truth to Balwant, but Veera stops her.

  • S01E404 Baldev informs Balwant and Bansari about Ratan's plan

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    Ratan suggests Veera to tell the truth to Balwant. Baldev informs Balwant and Bansari about Ratan's plan to reunite Gunjan and Ranvijay. Gunjan becomes upset with Ranvijay. Ratan and Veera try to persuade Ranvijay to get remarried. Ranvijay tells Ratan that he needs some time to think about it. Veera takes Ranvijay to Dalveer's dhaba. Baldev takes Gunjan to the dhaba. Gunjan pretends to be happy. She tells Baldev that she will leave for Delhi. Ranvijay hears the same, and leaves the dhaba.

  • S01E405 Gunjan professes her love to Ranvijay

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    Ranvijay agrees to get remarried. Baldev informs Veera that Gunjan is adamant on leaving for Delhi. Balwant tries to stop Gunjan, but in vain. Ratan and Veera take Ranvijay to the temple for his wedding. Balwant and Gunjan catch a bus for Delhi. Ranvijay recalls Gunjan, and decides not to get married. Meanwhile, Gunjan arrives at the temple, and tries to stop Ranvijay's wedding. Ranvijay enquires Gunjan the reason for stopping his wedding. Gunjan professes her love to Ranvijay.

  • S01E406 Gunjan persuades Ranvijay to profess his love to her

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    Gunjan requests Ranvijay to accept her as his wife. Ranvijay asks Gunjan to perform the wedding rituals again. Gunjan and Ranvijay become shocked on seeing Baldev as the bride. They become perplexed on learning that Ranvijay's remarriage was a drama, to reunite them. After the wedding rituals, Ratan performs Gunjan's house welcome ceremony. Gunjan pretends to be sick, and Ranvijay tends to her. She persuades Ranvijay to profess his love to her.

  • S01E407 Baldev takes Veera on a date

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    Ratan and Chaiji make fun of Ranvijay. Balwant feels proud of Baldev for reuniting Gunjan and Ranvijay. Baldev requests Balwant to vote for him in the upcoming election for the post of sarpanch. Baldev takes Veera on a date. However, Veera tells Baldev that she will not fall in love with him. Baldev buys bangles for Veera. He dances to impress Veera. Later, Veera tells Baldev that she does not love him. Ratan feels happy for Ranvijay.

  • S01E408 Veera informs Ranvijay and Ratan that she is aware of her birth secret

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    Veera feels happy for Ranvijay. She informs Chaiji that Ratan and Ranvijay have taken good care of her, inspite of being her stepmother and stepbrother. Ranvijay and Ratan hear their conversation and enquire Veera about the same. Chaiji asks Veera to tell the truth to Ranvijay and Ratan. Veera informs Ranvijay and Ratan that she is aware of the secret of her birth. Ranvijay comforts Veera. Ratan apologises to her for not taking good care of her. Later, Ranvijay feeds Veera.

  • S01E409 Baldev informs Veera that he has won all her challenges

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    Ranvijay informs Gunjan that Ratan has accepted Veera as her daughter. Gunjan suggests Ranvijay to distribute sweets. Ranvijay feeds the sweets to Veera and Ratan. Ratan suggests Ranvijay to spend some time with Gunjan. Gunjan asks Ranvijay to help her in wearing the salwar. Later, she embraces Ranvijay. Veera suggests Chaiji to vote for a good candidate in the upcoming elections. Ranvijay praises Gunjan's cooking skills. Baldev informs Veera that he has won all her challenges.

  • S01E410 Ranvijay agrees to contest the election

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    Veera becomes furious at Baldev, and refuses to marry him. Baldev informs Veera that he will prove his abilities. Balwant informs Bansari that he will not support Baldev in the election. He tells Bansari that Ranvijay is the eligible candidate for the election. Later, Balwant tries to convince Ranvijay to contest the election. On Ratan and Veera's insistence, Ranvijay agrees to contest the election. Bansari asks Gunjan to tell Ranvijay not to contest the election, but she refuses.

  • S01E411 Ranvijay decides not to contest the election

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    Bansari asks Gunjan to persuade Ranvijay not to contest the election, but in vain. Veera and Baldev have an argument regarding the future village head. Bansari emotionally manipulates Ranvijay not to contest the election. Gunjan, Veera, Ratan and Chaiji convince Ranvijay to contest the election. However, Ranvijay decides to support Baldev. Gunjan confronts Bansari for manipulating Ranvijay. Baldev campaigns for the election, and Ranvijay supports him.

  • S01E412 Baldev sneaks into Veera's room

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    Veera witnesses Baldev threatening a villager. She informs Ranvijay that Baldev does not deserve to be the village head. She tries to persuade Ranvijay to contest the election. Ranvijay decides not to contest the election. Gunjan tries to seek Ranvijay's attention, but in vain. Baldev sneaks into Veera's room, to present a ring to her. Chaiji knocks at the door of Veera's room. Veera informs Baldev that she will wear the ring after seeking Ranvijay and Ratan's permission.

  • S01E413 Veera decides to trouble Baldev

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    Bakhtawar contests the election for the post of the village head. Baldev files his nomination for the election. Balwant becomes delighted as Ranvijay decides to contest the election. Ranvijay informs Balwant that he has witnessed Baldev's misdeed. He becomes worried on thinking whether he will be able to accomplish the responsibilities of the village head. Veera decides to trouble Baldev, to make him change his decision of marrying her. She pretends to be in love with Baldev.

  • S01E414 Gunjan embraces Ranvijay

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    Bansari asks Baldev to win the election at any cost. Veera explains about the responsibilities of a village head, to Ranvijay. Gunjan becomes scared on seeing a lizard, and embraces Ranvijay. Veera asks Baldev to wear a kurta of her choice. Bansari confronts Baldev for not wearing a kurta of her choice. Ranvijay starts his campaigning, and Veera sends Gunjan, along with him. Veera calls Baldev, and informs him that she will cook for him. She troubles Baldev by calling him repeatedly.

  • S01E415 Ranvijay and Baldev have an argument

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    Ranvijay suggests the villagers to think about the development of the village, before casting their votes. Later, Ranvijay and Baldev have an argument. Baldev distributes few song CDs among the villagers, and promises to introduce them to the actress. Veera stops him. Bansari insults Ranvijay while campaigning for Baldev. Ratan defends Ranvijay. Ranvijay informs Gunjan that they need to change the mindset of the villagers. Veera asks Baldev to pluck a few mangoes for her.

  • S01E416 Veera makes Ranvijay rehearse his speech

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    Veera suggests Ranvijay to organise a rally, and writes a speech for him. Ranvijay fails to rehearse his speech. Ratan asks Gunjan to cheer Ranvijay. Ranvijay shares his plans for the development of the village with Veera. Veera makes Ranvijay rehearse his speech. Gunjan ties a handkerchief, with her and Ranvijay's initials, on his hand. Veera cooks food for Baldev, and feeds him. She confronts Baldev as he spits the food. Ratan makes Ranvijay wear his father's turban.

  • S01E418 Veera decides to perform a street play

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    Veera disguises herself as a Sardar, and enters the dhaba where Baldev is hosting a party. Baldev's friends stop Veera and Dalveer. However, Baldev asks Veera and Dalveer to join them. Dalveer exchanges the alcohol with coloured water. The villagers confront Baldev for serving coloured water, instead of alcohol. Meanwhile, Veera's identity gets revealed. Later, Veera suggests her family to perform a street play, to convey their thought to the villagers.

  • S01E419 Bansari asks Gunjan to support Baldev

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    Balwant does not support Baldev in the election. Bansari asks Baldev to defeat Ranvijay in the election. Ratan, Gunjan, Veera and Chaiji perform a street play, to convey their thoughts to the villagers. Meanwhile, Baldev plays a Bollywood movie on a LCD screen. The villagers assemble near the screen. Baldev assures a businessman that he will be selling the lands of the farmers to him, to build a shopping mall. Bansari asks Gunjan to support Baldev, but in vain. Veera takes Baldev for shopping.

  • S01E420 Baldev learns that Veera is deceiving him

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    Baldev becomes irritated, while shopping with Veera. They have an argument. Later, Baldev overhears Veera's telephonic conversation, and learns that she is deceiving him. He vows to defeat Ranvijay in the election, and undertake the responsibilities of the village, to prove his calibre. Baldev convinces the villagers to sell their lands. Ranvijay decides to stop the villagers from selling their lands. He takes the villagers to their lands, with Veera's help. Baldev panics on learning the same.

  • S01E421 Baldev's friends beat Ranvijay

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    Ranvijay convinces the villagers not to sell their ancestral lands. The villagers inform Baldev that they will not sell their lands. Baldev confronts his friends for allowing Ranvijay to influence the villagers. Baldev's friends beat Ranvijay. Ranvijay is admitted to the hospital. Ranvijay's family reaches the hospital. Baldev rebukes his friends for beating Ranvijay. Ranvijay lies to his family that he met with an accident. Veera confronts Baldev for getting Ranvijay beaten.

  • S01E422 Baldev informs Veera that he will defeat Ranvijay in the election

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    Baldev informs Bansari that his friends have beaten Ranvijay, but he has not disclosed the same. Bansari informs Baldev that it is Ranvijay's political move. Gunjan stays with Ranvijay, for the night. Baldev becomes upset as the villagers support Ranvijay. Bansari comforts him. Baldev informs Veera that he will defeat Ranvijay in the election. Gunjan decides to impress Ranvijay by operating Veera's electronic tablet, but fails to do so. Veera informs Gunjan that she will teach her to operate the device.

  • S01E423 Veera accuses Baldev of bribing the villagers

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    Veera sees Baldev giving an envelope to a villager, and clicks his photograph. She summons the panchayat, and accuses Baldev of bribing the villagers, to win votes. Veera informs the panchayat that she has asked Dalveer to bring the envelope. She becomes shocked on finding medicines in the envelope. Ratan and Ranvijay apologise to the panchayat on Veera's behalf. Later, Baldev informs Veera that he was actually bribing the villagers.

  • S01E424 Bansari asks Gunjan to take Ranvijay's signature on the property paper

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    Veera informs Ratan that Baldev was bribing the villagers. Ranvijay and Gunjan spend some romantic moments together. Veera asks Ranvijay to sign on an affidavit. Bansari informs Gunjan that she wishes to gift a piece of land to her and Ranvijay. She asks Gunjan to take Ranvijay's signature on the property papers, without his knowledge. Gunjan manages to take Ranvijay's signature, unaware of Bansari's conspiracy. The election officer announces that Ranvijay is not eligible to contest the election.

  • S01E425 Veera confronts Baldev for deceiving Ranvijay

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    The election officer tells Ranvijay that he has not mentioned about the property which got transferred in his name, the previous day. Gunjan informs Ranvijay about Bansari's gift. Ranvijay asks his family to return home. Gunjan informs Ranvijay that she was not aware of Bansari's conspiracy. Veera confronts Baldev for deceiving Ranvijay. She vows to ruin Baldev. Baldev rebukes Veera for deceiving him. Balwant confronts Bansari for conspiring against Gunjan and Ranvijay.

  • S01E426 Ratan contests the election

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    Gunjan breaks her relationship with Bansari. Ratan becomes dejected as Ranvijay has failed to contest the election. The election officer informs the villagers that Ratan will contest the election. A few villagers oppose the same as they do not want a woman to become the village head. Veera makes the villagers understand that Ratan is capable of managing the village. She tells Baldev that he had provoked her to convince Ratan to contest the election. Baldev assures Bansari that he will win the election.

  • S01E427 Ratan wins the election

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    Ratan wins the election. Veera and Ranvijay congratulate Ratan. Ratan promises the villagers to accomplish her duties. She decides to have a meeting with the villagers. Baldev becomes depressed on losing the election. Bansari decides to take revenge on Ratan. Veera and Ranveer convince Bansari not to worry. Balwant officially announces Ratan as the village head. A villager confronts Ratan for becoming the village head. Baldev plans to seek revenge on Ratan.

  • S01E428 Balwant introduces Ranvijay to Harmeet

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    Ratan becomes furious at Bansari for her and Baldev's misdeed against Ranvijay. Veera informs Ratan that she has organised a party in her honour. Ratan gives the responsibilities of the house to Gunjan, and hands over the house keys to her. Balwant becomes surprised on seeing his childhood friend, Harmeet. He introduces Ranvijay to Harmeet. Ranvijay informs Ratan that they should focus on the development of women. He expresses his love for Gunjan.

  • S01E429 Baldev ruins the embroidery work

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    Veera falls asleep in Gunjan's bedroom. Gunjan becomes infuriated on seeing the same, and drops a flower vase, deliberately to wake up Veera. Ratan and the women of the village decide to complete the first consignment of the embroidery work. Veera, Ranvijay and Ratan praise Gunjan's embroidery work. Baldev sneaks into Ratan's house, to ruin the embroidery work. Ratan's family becomes shocked on seeing the clothes damaged. Veera decides to redo the work.

  • S01E430 Harmeet gives one more contract to Ranvijay

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    Veera manages to bring the women of the village to her house, in spite of Bansari's interruption. Harmeet arrives at Dalveer's dhaba and asks him for Ranvijay's address. On Ranvijay's instruction, Dalveer tries to keep Harmeet engaged in the dhaba. Later, Baldev meets Harmeet, on the way, and takes him to Ranvijay's house. Ranvijay informs Harmeet that they have not embroidered a salwar suit. Harmeet becomes pleased with Ranvijay's honesty and gives one more contract to him.

  • S01E431 Veera learns about Baldev's misdeed

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    Ranvijay defends his action of revealing the truth to Harmeet. Gunjan wishes to accompany Ranvijay to the market. However, Ranvijay takes Veera, along with him. Baldev becomes jealous on learning about Ratan's success. Ratan asks Veera to get Balwant's signature on few documents. Veera finds out that Baldev had ruined their embroidered clothes. On following Ratan's advice, Veera fills Baldev's bag with fruits and returns it to him. Ranvijay falls asleep, while waiting for Gunjan.

  • S01E432 Bansari conspires against Ratan

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    Dalveer provides a room to the women, to carry out their embroidery work. Baldev and Bansari decide to break the unity among the women. Bansari informs a few women that Ratan is not paying them equally. Baldev hurts Veera, deliberately, to provoke her to fight with him. Later, he feels guilty, and sneaks into Veera's room to see her. Baldev hurts himself while returning. Gunjan wants to spend some time with Ranvijay.

  • S01E433 Ranvijay gifts Gunjan with bangles

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    The women have an argument regarding the payment. Veera comforts Ratan when she becomes upset about the same. She reads out the payment clause, mentioned in the contract to the women. Veera criticises the women for accusing Ratan. She enlightens them about the strength of unity. Balwant informs Baldev that he has found a job for him. However, Baldev refuses to work. Gunjan daydreams about Ranvijay, while working. Baldev decides to provoke the men against their wives. Ranvijay gifts Gunjan with bangles.

  • S01E434 Ratan decides to close her workshop

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    Baldev convinces a villager that only women can take care of the kitchen and the children. Later, a woman brings her son to Ratan's workshop. He falls down, while climbing a ladder. However, Ranvijay catches him. Baldev provokes the villagers against Ratan. He convinces the villagers not to send their wives to Ratan's workshop. The villagers protest against Ratan. Ratan decides to close her workshop. Veera wants to find a solution to the problem.

  • S01E435 Ratan informs the women about an exhibition

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    The women gather at a place and cook food for their families on Veera's insistence. The men become delighted by the same, and help the women. Veera convinces Baldev and Bansari to help in cooking. Ratan informs the women about an exhibition, in which they can sell their embroidered salwars. The women support Ratan. Veera gives an ointment to Baldev as he burns his fingers while cooking. Ranvijay brings food to Ratan's workshop, and eats with Gunjan and Veera.

  • S01E436 Baldev's friends puncture Ratan's tractor

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    Gunjan wishes to spend time with Ranvijay, and lies to him that she had seen a nightmare. Ratan asks Ranvijay to stay with Gunjan, and leaves for the exhibition. Baldev's friends puncture Ratan's tractor. Veera arranges for tempos to transport the salwars to the exhibition venue. Gunjan and Ranvijay spend some romantic moments together. The driver of the tempo take it to an isolated place, and throws the boxes of salwars, in Veera's presence. Later, Baldev arrives at the location, and sympathises with Veera.

  • S01E438 Ranvijay takes the salwars to the exhibition

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    Ranvijay learns about Veera's whereabouts from the tempo driver. Ratan demonstrates the embroidery work on a customer's handkerchief. Baldev brings a goods carrying bicycle and loads the stock of salwars on it. His bicycle gets punctured on the way. Meanwhile, Ranvijay arrives there in a tempo and takes the salwars to the exhibition. The foreign customers become impressed with the embroidered salwars. Later, Veera informs Ratan about Baldev's deeds. The villagers welcome Ratan.

  • S01E439 Veera befriends Baldev

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    Bansari becomes furious at Baldev for helping Veera. Baldev explains her the reason for the same. Balwant feels proud of Baldev's deeds. Baldev becomes elated as Veera thanks him for helping her. Veera wants to befriend Baldev. Ranvijay becomes furious at Gunjan for lying to him. Gunjan tries to seek forgiveness from Ranvijay. However, Ranvijay misunderstands Gunjan. Gunjan tries to console Ranvijay, but in vain.

  • S01E440 Veera learns about Ranvijay's talent

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    Veera and Chaiji decide to celebrate Ranvijay's birthday. Gunjan plans to buy a musical instrument for Ranvijay, on his birthday. Veera asks Baldev to suggest an idea to celebrate Ranvijay's birthday, but in vain. Gunjan and Baldev reconcile with each other. Veera finds the poems written by Ranvijay and learns that he is a good singer too. She informs Ratan about Ranvijay's talent, and reads the poems to her. Veera learns that Dalveer is aware of Ranvijay's talent.

  • S01E441 Veera recites a poem written by Ranvijay

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    Ranvijay's family wishes him at midnight, on his birthday. Gunjan decides to surprise Ranvijay, and does not wish him. Ratan informs Gunjan about Ranvijay's birthday celebration. Gunjan prepares a cake for Ranvijay and decorates the house for him. She offers a rose to Ranvijay and wishes him on his birthday. Meanwhile, Chaiji asks Ranvijay to arrive at a location immediately. Ranvijay fails to notice Gunjan's arrangements. Veera recites a poem written by Ranvijay, but stops in the middle.

  • S01E442 Gunjan criticises Veera

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    Ranvijay recites the poem to save Veera from getting insulted. The villagers appreciate Ranvijay's singing skills. Gunjan becomes upset and returns home. She ruins the preparations that she had made to celebrate Ranvijay's birthday. Parmeet, a music director, tells Ranvijay that he might get a call for a recording. Ratan suggests Ranvijay to pursue his career in singing. Ranvijay becomes shocked on seeing Gunjan upset. Gunjan confronts Veera for ruining her plan. Ranvijay shouts at Gunjan as she criticises Veera.

  • S01E443 Ranvijay tries to console Gunjan

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    Bansari decides to make Baldev a singer and asks him to rehearse. Chaiji suggests Ranvijay to spend some time with Gunjan. She advices Ranvijay to balance his relationship with Veera and Gunjan. Veera informs Ratan that she wants Ranvijay and Gunjan to lead a happy married life. Ratan informs Veera that Gunjan has a special place in Ranvijay's life. Bansari rehearses singing and informs Balwant that she wants to become a singer. Ranvijay apologises to Gunjan and tries to console her.

  • S01E444 Gunjan refuses to forgive Ranvijay

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    Gunjan ignores Ranvijay. Veera informs Gunjan that she did not want to ruin her surprise for Ranvijay, and apologises to her. However, Gunjan refuses to forgive her. Balwant and Baldev ask Bansari to stop singing, but in vain. Ranvijay blindfolds Gunjan and takes her to the fields. He wishes to reconcile with Gunjan and apologises to her. Gunjan refuses to forgive him. Baldev decides to hide Bansari's veena. Veera's motorcycle breaks down. Baldev helps Veera.

  • S01E445 Gunjan reconciles with Ranvijay

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    Veera informs Baldev that Gunjan is upset with her and Ranvijay. Ranvijay saves Gunjan when she is about to fall into a well. He jumps into the well and brings Gunjan's mangalsutra. Gunjan reconciles with Ranvijay. Later, she apologises to Veera. Ranvijay decides not to pursue his career in singing, on thinking about fulfilling his father's dream of building an agriculture university. Veera informs Ranvijay that she will take the responsibility of the agriculture university.

  • S01E446 Veera clicks a picture of Baldev

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    Bansari suffers from throat infection. However, she decides to continue with her rehearsal. Veera clicks a few pictures of the location of the agriculture university to avail subsidy. Meanwhile, she clicks a picture of Baldev. Gunjan asks Ranvijay to teach her to play mandolin. A paediatrician, Sonia Singh, is appointed in the hospital at Pritampura. Ratan invites Sonia Singh to her house for dinner. Balwant and Baldev make fun of Bansari's poor singing skills. Bansari decides to rehearse dancing.

  • S01E447 Bansari tears the photographs of Balwant's past

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    Sonia arrives at Ratan's house and helps Gunjan in cooking. She spends some nice time with Ratan's family. Ranvijay and Gunjan help Veera in preparing a power point presentation. Later, they go out on a walk and find Sonia near Balwant's house. Bansari asks Baldev to bring ghungroo for her. Balwant finds a few photographs of his past. Bansari tears the photographs into pieces. Ranvijay decides to wait for the inspecting officers, in his house. However, Veera sends Ranvijay to work.