Guadalcanal Pt 2

Cactus was the American code name for Guadalcanal and for the men who fought and died there, the name was eerily prophetic. The Marines most significant asset was an airstrip known as Henderson Field, little more than a wide spot in the road, but crucial to the defense of the island. The Japanese fully undestood its strategic value and sought to wrest control of the airfield through a series of famous attacks. Frustrated by their inability to dislodge the Americans, the Japanese launch a massive assault on the island in mid-November in an all or nothing effort. The pressure on the Japanese builds to the breaking point as they struggle to regain control over what they call \"The Island of Death.\" Contains Combat Veteran Interviews and footage from The National Archives. Chapters included : Reinforcement and Reassessment; Matanikau River Actions; The Battle of Cape Esperance; The Bombardment; The Battle for Henderson Field; The Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands; Actions at Point Cruz & Koli Point; The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal; The Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal; The Final Push

  • Originally Aired November 18, 2008
  • Runtime 92 minutes
  • Notes Is the series finale
  • Created August 23, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 23, 2020 by
    Administrator admin