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Season 2013

  • S2013E01 Voyage of the Mobro 4000

    • May 6, 2013
    • Syndication

    The 1987 voyage of a barge loaded with New York garbage became a sensational fiasco, but it ended up fueling the modern recycling movement.

  • S2013E02 The Legacy of Tailhook

    • May 13, 2013
    • Syndication

    Military sexual assault is not a new phenomenon. A second look at the Tailhook scandal in 1991 reveals what happened then. And what it all means now.

  • S2013E03 Crack Babies: A Tale from the Drug Wars

    • May 20, 2013
    • Syndication

    In the 1980s, many government officials, scientists, and journalists warned that the country would be plagued by a generation of “crack babies.” They were wrong.

  • S2013E04 Y2K: Much Ado About Nothing

    • May 27, 2013
    • Syndication

    The Y2K bug threatened to wipe out computers and disrupt modern society at the end of the 20th century. We all remember the doomsday hype, but what really happened?

  • S2013E05 The Tawana Brawley Story

    • June 3, 2013
    • Syndication

    In 1988, the nation learned the truth about the alleged crimes against Tawana Brawley, but the shocking story was far from over.

  • S2013E06 Biosphere 2: An American Space Odyssey

    • June 10, 2013
    • Syndication

    With dreams of one day colonizing space, eight people sealed themselves inside a giant glass biosphere in the Arizona desert in 1991. By the time they emerged two years later, they had “suffocated, starved and went mad.”

  • S2013E07 Wild Horses No Home on the Range

    • June 17, 2013
    • Syndication

    The decades-long quest to save wild horses has run amok, creating a problem that even swooping helicopters, aging cowboys, camera-savvy activists, and millions of dollars can’t solve.

  • S2013E08 Test Tube Tomato

    • June 24, 2013
    • Syndication

    In the 1990s, a bunch of gene jockeys brought the first genetically engineered food to market. The business crashed but biotech science has flourished far beyond the produce aisle.

  • S2013E09 Summer of Fire

    • September 2, 2013
    • Syndication

    The lessons learned from the summer of 1988 when fires burned nearly one third of Yellowstone National Park continue to shape the way we fight wildfires raging across the West today.

  • S2013E10 The Battle For Busing

    • September 9, 2013
    • Syndication

    A story of America’s school integration and what happened when the buses stopped rolling.

  • S2013E11 Freeing Willy

    • September 16, 2013
    • Syndication

    In the wake of the 1993 hit movie Free Willy, activists and fans campaigned to release the movie’s star – a captive killer whale named Keiko — and launched a story Hollywood couldn’t invent.

  • S2013E12 The Shadow of Thalidomide

    • September 23, 2013
    • Syndication

    In the 1950s, thalidomide cut a wide swath of destruction across the world, leaving behind thousands of deformed infants, but that was only the beginning of the story.

  • S2013E13 Walter Reed: The Battle for Recovery

    • September 30, 2013
    • Syndication

    In 2007, the scandalous treatment of wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center shocked the nation. Today, after major reforms, what’s changed for America’s injured soldiers?

  • S2013E14 Richard Jewell: The Wrong Man

    • October 7, 2013
    • Syndication

    The 1996 Olympics in Atlanta were rocked by a bomb that killed one and injured more than 100. In the rush to find the perpetrator, one man became a target. There was only one problem. He was innocent.

  • S2013E15 Dolly the Sheep

    • October 14, 2013
    • Syndication

    In 1997, Scottish scientists announced they had cloned a sheep and named her Dolly, and sent waves of future shock around the world that continue to shape frontiers of science today.

  • S2013E16 Taking the Lid Off the McDonald's Coffee Case

    • October 21, 2013
    • Syndication

    In 1992, Stella Liebeck spilled scalding McDonald’s coffee in her lap and later sued the company, attracting a flood of negative attention. It turns out, there’s more to the story.

  • S2013E17 In the Shadow of Katrina

    • October 28, 2013
    • Syndication

    Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005, and Louisiana’s troubled housing recovery has shaped the response to every major disaster since, including Hurricane Sandy.

  • S2013E18 The Long War on Cancer

    • November 4, 2013
    • Syndication

    Forty-two years ago when President Richard Nixon vowed to make curing cancer a national crusade, many anticipated quick results.

  • S2013E19 The Day the Lights Went Out

    • November 11, 2013
    • Syndication

    In 2003, a blackout crippled areas of the U.S. and Canada, leaving some 50 million people in the dark. Ten years later, we are still grappling with concerns over the vulnerability of our power grid.

  • S2013E20 The Sleeper Cell That Wasn't

    • November 18, 2013
    • Syndication

    Six days after 9/11, the FBI’s raid on a Detroit sleeper cell signaled America’s resolve to fight terrorism. But, despite a celebrated conviction, there was one problem — they’d gotten it wrong.

  • S2013E21 Love Canal: A Legacy of Doubt

    • November 25, 2013
    • Syndication

    In 1978, toxic chemicals leaking from an old landfill thrust an upstate New York community called “Love Canal” into the national headlines, and made it synonymous with “environmental disaster.”

  • S2013E22 Crime and Punishment: Three Strikes and You're Out

    • December 2, 2013
    • Syndication

    After the 1993 murder of a California child, many states passed laws to lock up repeat offenders for life, but today those laws are raising new questions about how crime is handled in America.

  • S2013E23 Exxon Valdez: In the Wake of Disaster

    • December 9, 2013
    • Syndication

    On a cold March night in 1989, the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground off the coast of Southern Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into the waters of Prince William Sound and creating one of the worst oil spills in American history.

Season 2014

  • S2014E01 The Greatest Heist You've Never Heard Of

    • January 7, 2014
    • Syndication

    On March 8, 1971, a group of eight Vietnam War protestors broke into a Federal Bureau of Investigation field office in Media, Pennsylvania and stole hundreds of government documents that shocked a nation.

  • S2014E02 When a Bridge Falls

    • March 3, 2014
    • Syndication

    At the height of rush hour on August 1, 2007 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a bridge carrying eight lanes of I-35W over the Mississippi River suddenly collapsed, sending cars trucks plunging into the water below. Thirteen people died and 145 were injured in one of the worst bridge accidents in years.

  • S2014E03 McMartin Preschool - Anatomy of a Panic

    • March 10, 2014
    • Syndication

    The nightmare began in 1983 when a 39-year-old mother called the police department in Manhattan Beach, California and accused a teacher at the McMartin Preschool, Raymond Buckey, of molesting her two and a half-year old son.

  • S2014E04 Fly Wars - Battling the Medfly

    • March 17, 2014
    • Syndication

    In the summer of 1981, the Mediterranean fruit fly spread through California’s Santa Clara Valley, infesting backyard fruit trees and threatening the state’s $14 billion agricultural industry.

  • S2014E05 Baby M and the Question of Surrogacy

    • March 24, 2014
    • Syndication

    The custody battle over Baby M was the first time a court considered surrogacy. Today’s families are created in many different ways. But have we resolved the question of surrogacy?

  • S2014E06 The Shame of the Church

    • March 31, 2014
    • Syndication

    Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church has been making headlines for years. Some priests have been punished, but what about the bishops who shielded them?

  • S2014E07 The Superpredator Scare

    • April 7, 2014
    • Syndication

    In the mid-1990s, after a decade of soaring juvenile crime, some social scientists warned the violence would only get worse. Reality proved otherwise.

  • S2014E08 On Shaky Ground

    • April 14, 2014
    • Syndication

    The 1989 earthquake that shook San Francisco sent out a wake up call that continues to echo across the country.

  • S2014E09 The Enduring Legacy of Terri Schiavo

    • April 21, 2014
    • Syndication

    The controversy over Terri Schiavo’s case elevated a family matter into a political battle that continues to frame end-of-life issues today.

  • S2014E10 Three Mile Island: Lessons from the Nuclear Dream

    • April 29, 2014
    • Syndication

    More than three decades after the accident at Three Mile Island cast a shadow on the atomic dream, is America again ready to give nuclear energy a chance?

  • S2014E11 Picking a Winner: The 1998 NFL Draft

    • May 5, 2014
    • Syndication

    After the 1998 NFL draft produced one of the greatest busts in history, what have we learned about the science of evaluating human talent – on and off the field?

  • S2014E12 Agent Orange: Last Chapter of the Vietnam War

    • May 12, 2014
    • Syndication

  • S2014E13 How DNA Changed the World of Forensics

    • May 19, 2014
    • Syndication

    Before DNA testing, prosecutors relied on less sophisticated forensic techniques, including microscopic hair analysis, to put criminals behind bars. But how reliable was hair analysis?

  • S2014E14 Major Malfunction: Lessons from Challenger

    • June 2, 2014
    • Syndication

    On January 28, 1986, seven astronauts “slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.” America’s space program was never the same.

  • S2014E15 SWAT: Mission Creep

    • September 8, 2014
    • Syndication

    SWAT teams were created in the 1960’s to combat violent events. Since then, the specialized teams have morphed into a force increasingly used in routine policing, most often to serve drug warrants. The media has shone a light on isolated botched raids, but it took the show of force in response to protests in Ferguson, Missouri to start a national dialogue on the appropriate role of SWAT teams in today’s police force.

  • S2014E16 The Promise of the Air Bag

    • September 14, 2014
    • Syndication

    How did cars become “computers on wheels,” so automated that some are about to start driving themselves? The story begins forty-five years ago with a quest to make cars safer and the battle over the air bag.

  • S2014E17 Revolution in a Capsule

    • September 21, 2014
    • Syndication

    When Prozac was introduced in 1988, the green-and-cream pill to treat depression launched a cultural revolution that continues to echo.

  • S2014E18 The Mystery of the Missing Bees

    • September 28, 2014
    • Syndication

    The mystery of Colony Collapse Disorder has pushed honeybees into the public eye. But the story of their plight — and its impact – is much more complicated.

  • S2014E19 Curt Flood: Rebel Without a Clause

    • October 5, 2014
    • Syndication

    When baseball star Curt Flood rejected a trade in 1969, he challenged America’s pastime and helped spark a revolution that rippled beyond the game.

  • S2014E20 The Cost of Campaigns

    • October 19, 2014
    • Syndication

    The Watergate campaign finance scandals led to a landmark law designed to limit the influence of money in politics. Forty years later, some say the scandal isn’t what’s illegal, it’s what’s legal.

  • S2014E21 Ruby Ridge: American Standoff

    • October 26, 2014
    • Syndication

    When armed suspects stand off against the law today, one event continues to cast a shadow on both sides of the police line: the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge.

  • S2014E22 Wolves at the Door

    • November 2, 2014
    • Syndication

    In the 1990s, the federal government reintroduced the gray wolf to Yellowstone National Park. It was considered a big success. And that’s when the real fight began.

  • S2014E23 A Search for Justice

    • November 9, 2014
    • Syndication

    The murder of four American churchwomen focused attention on the United States’ involvement in El Salvador. Nearly 35 years later, the case continues to take surprising turns.

  • S2014E24 A Dingo’s Got My Baby: Trial by Media

    • November 16, 2014
    • Syndication

    In 1982, an Australian mother was convicted of murdering her baby daughter. She was later exonerated, but soon fell victim to a joke that distracted the world from the real story.

  • S2014E25 Sybil: A Brilliant Hysteric

    • November 23, 2014
    • Syndication

    In the 1970s, the T.V. movie “Sybil” introduced much of the nation to multiple personality disorder and launched a controversy that continues to resonate.

  • S2014E26 Power Line Fears

    • November 30, 2014
    • Syndication

    News media coverage in the 1980s and early 1990s fueled fears of a national cancer epidemic caused by power lines and generated a debate that still lingers today.

  • S2014E27 Napster: Culture of Free

    • December 7, 2014
    • Syndication

    In 1999, a file-sharing program created in a Boston dorm room sent shockwaves across the music industry and served notice that a major cultural shift was underway.

Season 2015

  • S2015E01 Vaccines: An Unhealthy Skepticism

    • February 1, 2015
    • Syndication

    An outbreak of measles that started at Disneyland has turned a spotlight on those who choose not to vaccinate their children. How did we get to a point where personal beliefs can triumph over science?

  • S2015E02 The Ferry: A Civil Rights Story

    • March 7, 2015
    • Syndication

    Weeks before Selma's Bloody Sunday in 1965, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. urged residents of Gee's Bend, Ala., to vote, and fed a continuing fight over a small ferry that would last for decades.

  • S2015E03 A Right to Die?

    • March 22, 2015
    • Syndication

    Should doctors be allowed to help suffering patients die? Twenty-five years ago, with his homemade suicide machine, Dr. Jack Kevorkian raised that question. It's an issue Americans still struggle with today.

  • S2015E04 Pets Gone Wild

    • April 5, 2015
    • Syndication

    Burmese pythons, often released into the wild by well-meaning pet owners, have infested the Florida Everglades and created a reptilian nightmare in the ecosystem.

  • S2015E05 Anatomy of an Interrogation

    • April 19, 2015
    • Syndication

    The story of the first and only interrogator connected to the CIA to be convicted in a torture-related case.

  • S2015E06 Safety on Fire

    • May 3, 2015
    • Syndication

    There are over 80,000 chemicals in use today. The story of TRIS, removed from children's pajamas in the 1970s, illustrates just how hard it is to regulate chemicals, or to even know if they're safe.

  • S2015E07 Chasing Outbreaks: How Safe Is Our Food?

    • May 10, 2015
    • Syndication

    A 1993 E. coli outbreak linked Jack in the Box hamburgers sickened 700 people and acted as a wake up call about the dangers of food-borne illness. More than 20 years later, how far have we come?

  • S2015E08 The Population Bomb?

    • June 1, 2015
    • Syndication

    In the 1960s, fears of overpopulation sparked campaigns for population control. But whatever became of the population bomb?

  • S2015E09 Transforming History

    • June 15, 2015
    • Syndication

    Transgender issues today are rooted in a decades-long struggle for inclusion.

  • S2015E10 The Shadow of Waco

    • July 12, 2015
    • Syndication

    22 years ago, federal agents raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and generated a legacy that continues to shape antigovernment groups today.

  • S2015E11 From Crack Babies to Oxytots: Lessons Not Learned

    • July 22, 2015
    • Syndication

    In the 1980s, many government officials, scientists, and journalists warned that the country would be plagued by a generation of “crack babies.” They were wrong. More than 25 years later, the media is sounding a similar alarm. This is an update to the previous report on the same issue

  • S2015E12 The Nanny Murder Trial

    • September 13, 2015
    • Syndication

    In 1997, a young British nanny charged with murder brought shaken baby syndrome into the national spotlight, and raised a scientific debate that continues to shape child abuse cases today.

  • S2015E13 Haunted by Columbine

    • September 27, 2015
    • Syndication

    The killing of twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in 1999 continues to shape how we view and understand school shootings today.

  • S2015E14 Where is my Grandchild?

    • October 11, 2015
    • Syndication

    Estela de Carlotto has spent nearly four decades searching for her grandson, one of the estimated 500 babies who disappeared after their mothers were taken by the military regime in Argentina in the 1970s.

  • S2015E15 Sex, Drugs and Gore

    • October 26, 2015
    • Syndication

    When Tipper Gore and Susan Baker founded the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), their campaign to put warning labels on albums sparked a debate over censorship and resulted in a dramatic Capitol Hill showdown with musicians like Frank Zappa. Ultimately, the record industry agreed to put parental advisory stickers on explicit albums, and today warning labels are commonly found on everything from music to television to video games. Which leads us to explore some age-old questions when it comes to kids and pop culture: how do we define harm? And who gets to decide?

  • S2015E16 Blood and Sport

    • November 9, 2015
    • Syndication

    On Nov. 13, 1982, boxing fans tuned in for a championship bout on national television between Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini of Ohio and South Korean fighter Duk-Koo Kim. It was an epic, 14-round slugfest – and a fight the sport wouldn’t soon forget. Afterward, medical concerns about the brutality of boxing mounted, and the sport’s foothold in mainstream American culture began to slip. Today, stories about brain injuries in football are making headlines with increasingly regularity. Is the most popular sport in America nearing its own inflection point?

  • S2015E17 Heroin and the War on Drugs

    • November 25, 2015
    • Syndication

    In the late 1960s and early 1970s, America’s inner cities were wracked by an epidemic of heroin addiction and the crime that went with it. New York State responded with harsh drug laws, including mandatory minimum sentences up to life in prison for selling just one ounce of heroin. Soon, other states and the federal government adopted similar laws, and the nation’s prisons filled up with non-violent drug offenders, mostly young black men.

  • S2015E18 The Boy in the Bubble

    • December 7, 2015
    • Syndication

    The press said that David Vetter was born into a world he could not touch. And there was no truer statement in 1971 when, as an infant, he was placed inside the protective plastic bubble that had been specially built to seal it off. The outside world was toxic to the child, who suffered from a rare genetic defect so nefarious that it could turn even the slightest cold into a death sentence. But, despite this separation, the little boy’s fishbowl life turned him into a symbol of hope and determination for the generation of Americans who watched his story evolve.

Season 2016

  • S2016E01 Fighting Fat

    • January 7, 2016
    • Syndication

    In the 1960s and 1970s, doctors pointed to two likely culprits for the country’s heart disease epidemic: dietary fat and cholesterol. Much of the country tried to avoid fat at all costs. But did the low-fat recommendation help or hurt? And why is nutrition still so controversial?

  • S2016E02 Runaway Plane

    • January 25, 2016
    • Syndication

    Over the decades, the Pentagon has led an aerial arms race, spending billions of dollars in a quest to develop a futuristic aircraft that could fly virtually undetected by enemy radar. In 2001, the F-35 became the latest incarnation of that stealth dream. And that’s not all. It was a plane that was slated to be more technologically advanced, and cheaper to maintain than any previous stealth jet, while also meeting the divergent needs of three branches of the US military. But more than 14 years later, the F-35 has yet to fly in combat and the weapons program is plagued with problems - many of which are not flying under the radar.

  • S2016E03 After Bush v. Gore

    • February 22, 2016
    • Syndication

    The recount of votes in Florida during the 2000 election focused worldwide attention on the country’s antiquated and disorganized voting system: chads (hanging, dimpled, pregnant or otherwise), confusing ballots, under-votes and over-votes. A bipartisan consensus soon emerged that the mechanics of voting needed to be improved. But the election also reminded many politicians that a few hundred votes could mean the difference between winning and losing. And, 16 years later, the rules of voting are more controversial - and politicized - than ever.

  • S2016E04 The Terminator and the Washing Machine

    • March 7, 2016
    • Syndication

    The first time the word “robot” ever appeared in literature in the 1920s, the fictional machines rose up and killed their creators. We’ve been telling the same story ever since. From Hal 9000 to the Terminator, it often seems the measure of a fictional machine’s intelligence is best taken by its wish to do us harm.

  • S2016E05 A Change of Heart

    • March 21, 2016
    • Syndication

    When a dentist named Barney Clark received a permanent artificial heart in 1982, it was hailed as a medical miracle. To the public and the press, he represented hope and a huge leap forward in fighting the world’s biggest killer: heart disease. But hope turned to controversy as Clark and other patients suffered a series debilitating complications and critics called the medical experiment cruel and unethical. Eventually the FDA said no more permanent heart implants and the device faded from public view. But it was hardly the end of the story, for the artificial heart continues to impact medical science in surprising ways.

  • S2016E06 Nuclear Winter

    • April 4, 2016
    • Syndication

    In 1983, scientists gave the world a new reason to fear nuclear war. It had long been assumed that the immediate, direct effects of a nuclear blast would cause a devastating loss of life, and that radioactive fallout would linger. But these scientists stressed that smoke from nuclear-ignited cities might affect something far more remote — the climate around the globe.

  • S2016E07 D&D: Lessons from a Media Panic

    • April 17, 2016
    • Syndication

    Dungeons & Dragons debuted in 1974 and had moved from a cult classic to a mainstream hit by the early 1980s. Millions of kids around the world were gathering around tables and going on imaginary adventures set by the Dungeon Master as part of this role playing game. But a string of murder-suicides that involved kids who played the game brought a new focus, and critics, many of them conservative Christians, thought the game was an invitation to devil worship and violence.

  • S2016E08 Welfare and the Politics of Poverty

    • May 1, 2016
    • Syndication

    By the mid-1990s, with record numbers of Americans on welfare, public resentment reached a tipping point. Recipients were stigmatized as lazy ne’er-do-wells feeding at the public trough. Politicians railed against “welfare queens”, the unwed mothers they claimed were gaming the system, having more babies to get more taxpayer cash.

  • S2016E09 The Long, Strange Trip of LSD

    • May 15, 2016
    • Syndication

    In the 1960s, a psychologist and former Harvard teacher named Timothy Leary coined the phrase ‘Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.’ The slogan was inspired by advertising jingles, but Leary wasn’t pushing a product, he was promoting a drug: LSD.

  • S2016E10 Atomic Vets

    • May 30, 2016
    • Syndication

    The USS De Haven sailed from Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor on May 5, 1958, carrying 240 men deep into the Pacific on a secret mission.

  • S2016E11 The Outrage Machine

    • June 19, 2016
    • Syndication

    In the digital age, where everyday people can suddenly become public enemy number one, how do we strike the balance between keeping free speech alive online and preventing a cyber mob from taking over?

  • S2016E12 The Mommy Wars

    • June 28, 2016
    • Syndication

    Since the 1990s, it’s been hard to watch coverage of parenting without being told there’s a war going on. The so-called Mommy Wars are being fought between employed mothers and those who stay at home – a supposed fight over whether mothers’ choices are helping kids or doing them harm. But, as the years have passed and women have made different individual choices, it turns out that it may be the question itself – and the false assumptions behind it – that are the real problem.

  • S2016E13 “On Account of Sex”

    • September 11, 2016
    • Syndication

    Phyllis Schlafly honed her political skills in the conservative movement of the 1950s and 1960s, then put them to work to stop the ERA. She traveled the country decrying the proposed amendment, which sought to ensure equal rights for women under law, as “anti-family” and un-American.

  • S2016E14 Where Does the American Dream Live?

    • September 19, 2016
    • Syndication

    In the 1970s, a landmark Supreme Court case named Gautreaux officially brought an end to segregated government housing in Chicago. But it also created a new challenge: how to undo decades of segregation. One part the solution was a relocation program that moved families from the city’s housing ‘projects’ to the mostly-white suburbs.

  • S2016E15 The Great Debate: Style or Substance?

    • September 25, 2016
    • Syndication

    The first presidential debate in 1960 was a creation of the television age, and it quickly entered its founding lore. We’re told those who saw the debate on TV favored the handsome, well made-up Kennedy. Radio listeners, on the other hand, thought Nixon had won. Evidence supporting this story is shoddy — a mix of anecdote, assumptions and a debunked survey – but the story continues to shape how we understand debates today.

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