Home / Series / U.S. Marshal / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 580489
  • Created March 23, 2014
  • Modified August 4, 2022
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 The Fugitive
October 11, 1958
S01E02 The Reservation 25
S01E03 Sentenced to Death
November 25, 1958
S01E04 Wishing Well 25
S01E05 Cop Hater 25
S01E06 The Arraignment 25
S01E07 Seventh Stranger 25
S01E08 The Fence 25
S01E09 The Stool Pigeon 25
S01E10 Check Artist 25
S01E12 The Champ 25
S01E13 Inside Job 25
S01E14 Gold Is Where You Find It 25
S01E16 Pursuit
January 24, 1959
S01E22 The Champ
May 7, 1959
S01E34 Mary Jo is Missing
season finale
May 30, 1959

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