In the little town of Arlen, Texas, lives a man who embodies the spirit of the Lone Star State. Hank Hill tends his lawn with pride, never overcooks his steak and sells propane and propane accessories. In this animated series from Mike Judge, Hank and his wife Peggy work to raise their son Bobby, be good neighbors and uphold their middle-class Texas values amid a changing world.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | July 2003 | May 2010 | 6 |
Season 1 | January 1997 | May 1997 | 12 |
Season 2 | September 1997 | May 1998 | 23 |
Season 3 | September 1998 | May 1999 | 25 |
Season 4 | September 1999 | May 2000 | 24 |
Season 5 | October 2000 | May 2001 | 20 |
Season 6 | November 2001 | May 2002 | 22 |
Season 7 | November 2002 | May 2003 | 23 |
Season 8 | November 2003 | May 2004 | 22 |
Season 9 | November 2004 | May 2005 | 15 |
Season 10 | September 2005 | May 2006 | 15 |
Season 11 | January 2007 | May 2007 | 12 |
Season 12 | September 2007 | May 2008 | 22 |
Season 13 | September 2008 | September 2009 | 20 |
Unassigned Episodes | 3 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | January 1963 | July 2003 | 2 |
Season 1 | January 1997 | December 1997 | 13 |
Season 2 | September 1997 | May 1998 | 22 |
Season 3 | September 1998 | May 1999 | 25 |
Season 4 | September 1999 | May 2000 | 24 |
Season 5 | October 2000 | May 2001 | 20 |
Season 6 | November 2001 | May 2002 | 22 |
Season 7 | November 2002 | May 2003 | 23 |
Season 8 | November 2003 | May 2004 | 22 |
Season 9 | November 2004 | May 2005 | 15 |
Season 10 | September 2005 | May 2006 | 15 |
Season 11 | January 2007 | May 2007 | 12 |
Season 12 | September 2007 | May 2008 | 22 |
Season 13 | September 2008 | May 2010 | 24 |
Unassigned Episodes | 3 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 264 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Tricia Garcia | 20 | 11/23/1997 - 05/03/2010 | |
Cyndi Tang-Loveland | 17 | 12/21/1997 - 04/17/2005 | |
Adam Kuhlman | 17 | 02/23/1997 - 12/11/2005 | |
Gary McCarver | 16 | 01/19/1997 - 05/16/2004 | |
Kyounghee Lim | 16 | 03/19/2000 - 09/13/2009 | |
Dominic Polcino | 15 | 12/15/1998 - 09/25/2005 | |
Anthony Lioi | 14 | 10/03/1999 - 01/30/2005 | |
Jeff Myers | 12 | 05/11/1997 - 09/13/2009 | |
Allan Jacobsen | 12 | 11/07/1999 - 09/18/2005 | |
Boohwan Lim | 11 | 03/19/2000 - 01/16/2005 | |
Shaun Cashman | 9 | 03/01/1998 - 12/15/2002 | |
Klay Hall | 8 | 02/02/1997 - 02/27/2000 | |
Chris Moeller | 6 | 12/14/1997 - 11/14/1999 | |
Wesley Archer | 6 | 01/12/1997 - 11/23/2003 | |
Robin Brigstocke | 5 | 05/09/2004 - 04/23/2006 | |
Jack Dyer | 4 | 02/16/1997 - 04/20/1999 | |
Matt Engstrom | 4 | 05/18/2003 - 03/19/2006 | |
Martin Archer | 3 | 03/23/1997 - 11/21/1999 | |
Monte Young | 3 | 02/09/1997 - 03/31/2002 | |
John Rice | 3 | 04/27/1997 - 12/14/2003 | |
Michael Dante DiMartino | 3 | 11/05/2000 - 05/04/2003 | |
Ken Wong | 2 | 04/30/2006 - 05/05/2010 | |
Brian Sheesley | 2 | 03/02/1997 - 04/18/2004 | |
Yvette Kaplan | 2 | 05/01/2005 - 01/29/2006 | |
Julius Wu | 2 | 02/16/1997 - 05/15/2005 | |
Ronald Rubio | 2 | 04/30/2006 - 09/28/2008 | |
Lauren MacMullan | 2 | 02/15/1998 - 09/15/1998 | |
Pat Shinagawa | 1 | 02/16/1997 | |
Chuck Austen | 1 | 11/14/1999 | |
Michael Loya | 1 | 05/04/2010 | |
Chuck Sheetz | 1 | 04/13/1997 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Alan Freedland | 16 | 03/23/1997 - 12/15/2002 | |
Alan R. Cohen | 16 | 02/16/1997 - 12/15/2002 | |
Jim Dauterive | 16 | 11/23/1997 - 09/13/2009 | |
Kit Boss | 13 | 10/31/1999 - 04/02/2006 | |
Paul Lieberstein | 12 | 02/16/1997 - 11/19/2000 | |
Glenn Berger | 11 | 03/02/1997 - 04/30/2000 | |
Norm Hiscock | 11 | 05/17/1998 - 11/30/2003 | |
Jonathan Aibel | 11 | 03/02/1997 - 04/30/2000 | |
Peter Huyck | 10 | 05/07/2000 - 03/30/2003 | |
Etan Cohen | 10 | 12/16/2001 - 05/15/2005 | |
Johnny Hardwick | 10 | 02/09/1997 - 02/18/2001 | |
Garland Testa | 10 | 11/07/1999 - 01/30/2005 | |
Dan McGrath | 9 | 02/16/1997 - 09/13/2009 | |
Jonathan Collier | 9 | 04/27/1997 - 03/27/2005 | |
Dave Krinsky | 9 | 02/15/1998 - 02/10/2002 | |
Alex Gregory | 9 | 05/07/2000 - 03/30/2003 | |
John Altschuler | 9 | 02/15/1998 - 02/10/2002 | |
J.B. Cook | 8 | 12/09/2001 - 05/07/2006 | |
Michael Jamin | 8 | 03/17/2002 - 09/18/2005 | |
Dan Sterling | 8 | 02/16/1997 - 03/19/2006 | |
Sivert Glarum | 7 | 03/17/2002 - 09/18/2005 | |
Tony Gama-Lobo | 7 | 04/13/2003 - 09/13/2009 | |
Rebecca May | 7 | 04/13/2003 - 09/13/2009 | |
Christy Stratton | 7 | 02/16/1997 - 09/13/2009 | |
Aron Abrams | 6 | 02/16/1997 - 05/04/2010 | |
Dean Young | 6 | 03/04/2001 - 11/16/2003 | |
David Zuckerman | 5 | 05/11/1997 - 01/19/1999 | |
Gregory Thompson | 5 | 05/09/2004 - 05/04/2010 | |
Mike Judge | 5 | 01/12/1997 - 02/23/1997 | |
Jon Vitti | 5 | 02/23/1999 - 04/01/2001 | |
Brent Forrester | 4 | 02/16/1997 - 05/10/1998 | |
Joe Stillman | 4 | 01/19/1997 - 12/01/1998 | |
Cheryl Holliday | 4 | 02/02/1997 - 02/01/1998 | |
Greg Cohen | 3 | 02/22/2004 - 02/11/2007 | |
Wyatt Cenac | 3 | 02/15/2004 - 05/01/2005 | |
Greg Daniels | 2 | 01/12/1997 - 02/23/1997 | |
Chip Hall | 2 | 02/16/1997 - 03/16/2003 | |
Sanjay Shah | 2 | 09/28/2008 - 05/05/2010 | |
Kell Cahoon | 1 | 11/17/2002 | |
Tim Croston | 1 | 03/16/2003 | |
Brad Walsh | 1 | 05/03/2010 | |
Jennifer Barrow | 1 | 05/06/2010 | |
Paul Corrigan | 1 | 05/03/2010 | |
Tom Saunders | 1 | 11/17/2002 | |
Emily Spivey | 1 | 02/17/2002 | |
Gina Fattore | 1 | 12/14/1997 |
No lists.
TV (The Book): Two Experts Pick the Greatest American Shows of All Time is a collection of essays written by television critics Alan Sepinwall and Matt Zoller Seitz. It was published in 2016. The main purpose of the book was to provide a canonical list of the top 100 greatest television programs in American history.
IGN and some of our friends have decided the best in the world of TV.
No lists.
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