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Itazura na Kiss Adaptations

All adaptations of the manga Itazura na Kiss (イタズラなKiss) by Kaoru Tada.

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 6861
  • Created By meimaste
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 0
  • Created September 12, 2020 by
    meimaste mod
  • Modified September 12, 2020 by
    meimaste mod

Itazura na Kiss (1996)


Late for a meeting, Kotoko was running along the corridor in school and bumped into Naoki, their lips meeting. Naoki showed his disgust, but Kotoko started to idolise him, who was good at everything from studies to sports. When Kotoko's house burned down, her father's good friend Machiko invited them to move in with her family. It was then that Kotoko realised Naoki was the elder son of Machiko, who took up the role of a fairy-godmother to bring the two together...despite the fact that Naoki was disgusted. Not discouraged, the clumsy and not-so-bright Kotoko started to do everything that would change her impression on him. Gradually, the icy-cold Naoki who disliked girls started to feel for Kotoko...



袁湘琴(林依晨飾)是一個單純開朗的高中女學生,自從在開學典禮上看見代表新生致詞的 江直樹(鄭元暢飾)後,便不由自主地喜歡上這個號稱IQ 200 的超級天才少年。經過兩年多無望的暗戀,她鼓足勇氣在學校中對他表白,卻遭到他無情的拒絕,更由於她的莽撞,一時間成了全校的笑柄。然而屋漏偏逢連夜雨,就在湘琴告白被拒後,剛遷入的新家竟然被地震震垮了! 眼看湘琴和相依為命的父親(唐從聖飾)就要露宿街頭了,幸好父親的國中好友阿利叔(張永正飾)慷慨伸出援手,邀請父女兩人到他家中暫住,但是湘琴萬萬沒有想到,和藹可親的阿利叔竟然就是江直樹的父親!於是在這樣的機緣巧合下,兩個人就此展開同在一個屋簷下的全新生活…… 號稱全台灣第一的天才直樹幾乎沒有任何事能難得倒他,所有事情總在他掌握之中,然而湘琴的出現就像一個失控的龍捲風,將他原有的生活搞得天翻地覆,但湘琴不顧一切、勇往直前的那股傻勁卻也讓他開始思考自己的人生與未來,而湘琴對他的感情也在不知不覺中慢慢地滲入他心中……




장난스런 키스


일본 만화가 원작인 이 한국판 코믹 드라마는 명랑한 여학생과 인기 있는 남학생 사이에서 서서히 피어나는 로맨스를 그린다.

イタズラなKiss〜Love in TOKYO


斗南高校の入学式で、落ちこぼれの女子高生・相原琴子は、頭脳明晰な美少年・入江直樹に一目惚れするが、話す機会もないまま3年生に。2年間の想いをラブレターに託し勇気を出して手渡そうとするも、「頭の悪い女は嫌いだ」と受け取ってすらもらえずにフラれてしまう。その冷たい反応に、直樹への想いを断ち切ろうとする琴子。 そんなある日、新築したばかりの相原邸が震度2の地震で倒壊。琴子のために災害募金を始めた池沢金之助らにも冷めた言動を行う直樹に、琴子は怒りを露にする。結局家を再建するまでの間、父・相原重雄の中学生時代からの親友宅へ父娘共々居候させてもらうことになったが、何とその居候先は直樹の住む入江家だった……。

Kiss Me


Taliw is a cute, lively yet clumsy girl who has a crush on a popular genius, Tenten, a new student with an IQ of 200. Tenten has just returned from Japan with his family. How will Taliw deal with her feelings towards Tenten? Sometimes, he treats her kindly and cares about her; and other times he teases and embarrasses her in front of all their peers. Is it Taliw's good luck or bad luck that their parents are close friends? Is it good luck or bad luck that Taliw's house was destroyed leaving her forced to move in with Tenten? Taliw only has feelings for Tenten but her good friend King fell for her and is trying his best to take her heart. Taliw also has a love-rival, Namkang, a girl who is taller, more beautiful, and brighter than her. Namkang seems to be the perfect person for Tenten. What Taliw will do with this situation?

惡作劇之吻 (2016)

