
Libria, a totalitarian state city-state, was established by the survivors of World War III, where all emotions and emotionally stimulating objects blamed for causing the war have been forbidden. Those in violation are labeled "Sense Offenders" and are put to death. The population suppresses all emotion with a daily injection of "Prozium II". Libria is governed by the Tetragrammaton Council, led by "Father", who only communicates propaganda through giant video screens throughout the city. At the pinnacle of Librian law enforcement are the Grammaton Clerics, trained in the martial art of Gun fu. Clerics frequently raid properties in the city and the "Nether" – regions outside the city – to search for and destroy illegal materials (art, literature, and music) and execute the people hiding them. A resistance movement, known as the "Underground", emerges with the goal of toppling Father and the Tetragrammaton Council.

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