Sukhamo Devi

"Sukhamo Devi" tells the story of two good friends: Nandan (Shankar (actor)) and Sunny (Mohanlal), who are singers in their senior year of college. Nandan is a hard working introvert while Sunny is well rounded, sporty, and loved among his friends. Nandan and Sunny have girlfriends Devi (Urvashi (actress)) and Thara (Geetha (actress)) respectively, who match them exactly in personality. Sunny also has another very loyal pal named Vinod who tends to get a bit annoying sometimes, but Sunny appreciates him nevertheless. When Sunny and Nandan graduate college with highest honors, they decide to get married to their girlfriends. Thara's parents approve of Sunny, but Devi's father does not of approve Nandan when he sees that Nandan works as waiter at a restaurant. Devi's father even decides to have an arranged marriage for her, about which Nandan and Sunny get really upset. Sunny promises that he would convince Devi's father to change his mind. However, things still stay the same, and Devi's arranged marriage goes on as planned. On the morning of Devi's wedding, worse turns to worse when news arrives telling that Sunny got killed in a motorbike accident with Vinod in a critical condition at the hospital. It is later discovered that Vinod survives the accident, but loses his ability to talk. Thara gets extremely devastated and starts living as a widow. Nandan obeys Sunny's wish for him to be a playback singer for movies, and eventually gains fame and wealth from doing so. Sunny's brother introduces Nandan to a music director who promotes him in the film world. From this part of the movie to the end, all of the characters hear Sunny's voice in random places, making them feel his presence in their hearts. On one of Nandan's tours to his hometown, he stays in a hotel and discovers that the receptionist is Devi. He calls her later, telling her, "Sukhamo Devi?" (Are you doing alright, Devi?), the title of the movie. He eventually meets her husband, Dr. Venugopal, who tells Nand

  • Movie ID 126610
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide July 4, 1986
  • Runtime 129 minutes
  • Genres Drama
  • Original Country India
  • Original Language English
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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