
Gabby was a Max Fleischer animated cartoon series distributed through Paramount Pictures. Gabby debuted as the town crier in the 1939 animated feature Gulliver’s Travels produced by Fleischer. Shortly afterward Paramount and Fleischer saw fit to give Gabby his own Technicolor cartoon series, eight entries of which were produced between 1940 and 1941. Gabby was voiced by Pinto Colvig, the voice of Walt Disney's Goofy. The Gabby cartoons were sold to U.M.&M. T.V. Corp. in 1955, which later became part of National Telefilm Associates, which became Republic Pictures, and was then sold to Paramount's current parent Viacom in 1999. Today, the Gabby cartoons are in the public domain. For official releases, the cartoons are currently syndicated on television by Trifecta Entertainment & Media (inherited from CBS Television Distribution and other companies), original distributor Paramount owns the theatrical rights, and Olive Films owns the DVD rights.

Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials December 1939 1
Season 1940 October 1940 November 1940 2
Season 1941 January 1941 August 1941 6
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials December 1939 1
Season 1940 October 1940 November 1940 2
Season 1941 January 1941 August 1941 6
Unassigned Episodes 0
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 9

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Name Number of Episodes Dates
Dave Fleischer 9 12/22/1939 - 08/15/1941
Willard Bowsky 2 10/18/1940 - 04/11/1941
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Bob Wickersham 3 01/17/1941 - 08/15/1941
Dan Gordon 2 12/22/1939 - 11/15/1940
Cal Howard 1 12/22/1939
Carl Meyer 1 07/18/1941
Ted Pierce 1 12/22/1939
Jack Ward 1 06/20/1941
Izzy Sparber 1 12/22/1939
Edmond Seward 1 12/22/1939
Joe Stultz 1 10/18/1940
Pinto Colvig 1 02/21/1941
Jonathan Swift 1 12/22/1939

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