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Season 1940

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Gulliver's Travels

    • December 22, 1939
    • Paramount Network

    Gulliver washes ashore on Lilliput and attempts to prevent war between that tiny kingdom and its equally minuscule rival, Blefuscu, as well as smooth the way for the romance between the Princess and Prince of the opposing lands. In this he is alternately aided and hampered by the Lilliputian town crier and general fussbudget, Gabby. A life-threatening situation develops when the bumbling trio of Blefuscu spies, Sneak, Snoop, and Snitch, manage to steal Gulliver's pistol.

  • S1940E01 King for a Day

    • October 18, 1940
    • Paramount Network

    King Little receives a letter that says, "Please be at home to-day. I have orders to shoot you!" He promptly makes Gabby king for a day. The little braggart is thrilled until he learns the reason why.

  • S1940E02 The Constable

    • November 15, 1940
    • Paramount Network

    Pigs are disappearing from the mayor's backyard. It turns out that a bully is forcing Snitch the spy into doing the dirty work. Gabby, a cop on the beat, goes undercover disguised as a pig to catch the thief, and he rewards Snitch for helping apprehend the real thief.

Season 1941

  • S1941E01 All's Well

    • January 17, 1941
    • Paramount Network

    Gabby is walking along singing a song when he spots a baby with no diaper. Gabby, of course, butts in, thinking that he can solve the problem. He sets out to stop the baby in the carriage from crying by changing the baby's diaper. Baby resists at every attempt.

  • S1941E02 Two for the Zoo

    • February 21, 1941
    • Paramount Network

    Gabby and the head zookeeper at the Lilliput Zoo bring in a new kangaroo to the zoo. A delivery man pushes a crate down the street containing a Rubber Necked Kango. Gabby bumps into the crate, and in his usual know-it-all fashion, offers to personally deliver the animal, a baby. Gabby doesn't know that the mother is also in the crate, and she catches up with them, dropping the baby into her pouch, causing Gabby to think that the baby suddenly grew. They end up getting trapped in the kangaroo's cage and the Kangaroo runs free.

  • S1941E03 Swing Cleaning

    • April 11, 1941
    • Paramount Network

    It's spring cleaning time at King Little's Palace. Gabby tries to take charge of the situation. But all he does is wreck the castle and get in everybody's way. The film ends with King Little and the royal staff hitting the meddlesome town crier with everything but the kitchen sink.

  • S1941E04 Fire Cheese

    • June 20, 1941
    • Paramount Network

    Gabby appoints himself as a committee of one to make Lilliput a better place. Gabby tries to help the Lilliput Fire Department put out what is initially a simple fire at an old house, lending his expertise whether the department wants it or not! As usual, he does nothing more than get in the way. Under his inept supervision (while trying to play fire chief), the bumbling town crier gets trapped on the roof of the burning house. The fire department reluctantly saves him.

  • S1941E05 Gabby Goes Fishing

    • July 18, 1941
    • Paramount Network

    In his usual manner, Gabby, the bumbling know-it-all town crier, attempts to teach a young boy how to catch the really big fish. The boy was doing fine by himself, but, of course, Gabby has to show him how it's done- and ends up getting hooked himself.

  • S1941E06 It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Day

    • August 15, 1941
    • Paramount Network

    The Mayor of Lilliput is about to go on a camping trip and trying to avoid letting Gabby go with him. However, Gabby invites himself along. He follows and offers his ill-informed expertise on woodlore, screwing everything up.