All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Temptation

    Bill Moyers examines Adam and Eve's tasting of the forbidden fruit and their subsequent expulsion from Eden.

  • S01E02 The First Murder: Cain and Abel

    In this show, Bill Moyers explores the biblical tale of brother killing brother and the complex relationships among victim, perpetrator and judge.

  • S01E03 In God's Image

    Bill Moyers leads a discussion with theologians and scholars on what it means to be created "in God’s image" and what the two creation accounts in Genesis suggest about the roles of the sexes.

  • S01E04 Apocalypse

    Bill Moyers speaks with biblical experts about Noah and the great flood.

  • S01E05 Call and Promise

    When God chooses Abraham to found a dynasty, how does Abraham react? What does divine sanction mean, both for the chosen and the non-chosen?

  • S01E06 A Family Affair

    Seeking a descendant, Abraham takes Hagar as a wife, who conceives Ishmael — engendering jealousy, division and pain for everyone involved.

  • S01E07 The Test

    God's command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac raises profoundly disturbing questions. What kind of God would make such a demand? And what kind of parent would consider obeying it?

  • S01E08 Blessed Deception

    By engineering Isaac's blessing on Jacob, does Rebecca become the heroine of the story, or simply a schemer? And what of Esau, her passed-over son?

  • S01E09 God Wrestling

    Apparently headed for his final comeuppance, the fugitive Jacob meets God in a dream and ultimately finds himself.

  • S01E10 Exile

    Gifted, talented, and handsome, Joseph survives slavery and exile by his wits. What does his story mean today?