All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Bread of Life

    • January 1, 2002

    The world is in the middle of an identity crisis—that is, it doesn't know the real identity of Jesus. But rather than asking everyone else, the best way to know who Jesus really is, is to find out what He says about Himself. Starting with "The Bread of Life," Dr. Sproul explores what Jesus says about Himself by looking at the I AM statements He makes in the Gospel of John.

  • S01E02 The Light of the World

    • January 1, 2002

    Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." But what does "light of the world" really mean? Dr. Sproul looks at how Jesus is this light, and explains the sense in which we all benefit from it, though there are only a few who acknowledge and come to the light.

  • S01E03 The Sheep Gate

    • January 1, 2002

    "Who do Christians think they are to tell Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, and Muslims that they are not going to Heaven?" pluralists protest. When confronted with these kinds of questions the Christian needs to appeal to authority. In this case, it is the entrance into Heaven Himself. In "The Sheep Gate," Dr. Sproul will explore this as he considers the parallels Jesus made between keeping sheep, and the entrance into heaven.

  • S01E04 The Good Shepherd

    • January 1, 2002

    esus claimed to be the shepherd of God's people, and the sheep do hear His voice. Words of this magnitude proclaimed in the midst of Pharisees are sure to be controversial. Of those who heard Jesus' words that day, some readily accepted them as coming from God, while others attributed them to demonic influence. In this message, Dr. Sproul looks at Jesus as "The Good Shepherd," teaches us the qualifications for a good shepherd, and likewise the kind of sheep which Christ tends.

  • S01E05 The Resurrection & the Life

    • January 1, 2002

    In what do you place your hope of life after death? Life after death has been a concern for most people throughout the history of mankind; however, the biblical argument of it goes well beyond speculative reason. In this message, Dr. Sproul reminds us of the proper place to ground our hope for life after death as he looks at Jesus as "The Resurrection and the Life."

  • S01E06 The Way, the Truth, & the Life

    • January 1, 2002

    Today there is still confusion about who Jesus is. Some critics who maintain His deity have forfeited His sinlessness. Others who claim to search for the "historical Jesus" have said Jesus never made claims to deity. So who knows the truth about Jesus? In this message, Dr. Sproul considers this as he looks at Jesus' statement of being "The Way, the Truth, and the Life."

  • S01E07 The True Vine

    • January 1, 2002

    How do we understand Jesus' teaching about the vine and the branches? Jesus said He was the Vine, His people are the branches, and that the branches are called to produce fruit. What about the branches that do not produce fruit? If they are cut off, how does this affect the doctrine of perseverance of the saints? Dr. Sproul examines these questions as he looks at Jesus as "The True Vine."

  • S01E08 Before Abraham Was, I AM

    • January 1, 2002

    In this message entitled "Before Abraham Was, I AM," Dr. Sproul examines the most controversial I AM saying of Jesus as he re-visits an encounter Jesus had with some children of Abraham as they discussed their family tree.