Home / Series / Queer Eye for the Straight Guy / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 15

Moving Out but Not Moving Far:John W.

John is getting married in a couple weeks,he and his fiancee Coreen have bought their 1st home and everything seems great.BUT John has NEVER lived away from home.His mom has cooked his food,done his laundry and cleaned his room for the last 28 years!he's also overly generous with his finances,developing a gut,and top everything else the event is a housewarming BBQ for 26 people!.Carson has disappeared to a VIP shopping sale and according to a note he left in the car he'll be back later.Anyway the other guys each pick a scenario to dress John in,Carson later looks over the purchases and says the guys didn't do half bad. Jai takes John to the New York Stock Exchange for some financial counseling.Jai also gets bigger tank for Mike&Ike John's turtles. Kyan takes John to a kayaking lesson where surprise!Coreen's there too.As John has been of late eating the college diet of pizza,burgers,etc Kyan gives him an array of vitamins.Ted takes John to a plant store to buy growable herbs,Ted also

  • Originally Aired September 21, 2004
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Production Code 138
  • Network Bravo
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin