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Season 1

  • S01E01 How High Can We Build?

    • July 19, 2017
    • ABC (AU)

    The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world, but is there anything stopping us from building higher? Dr Niraj Lal explores whether we could ever build into the clouds, or beyond them.

  • S01E02 Could Humans Fly Like Birds?

    • ABC (AU)

    Biology and physics are against us when it comes to flapping off into the sunset, but could we ever master human-powered flight? Have we done so already? Watch Vanessa Hill strap on bird wings for this thought experiment.

  • S01E03 What's The Loudest Sound?

    • ABC (AU)

    It was heard thousands of kilometres away, and it rippled around the planet at least four times. How loud can loud get? Is there a loud limit in the universe? Grab your earmuffs, and join Dr Niraj Lal to find out...

  • S01E04 Why Do Earphones Get Tangled?

    • ABC (AU)

    How do you tie the world's strongest knot? Just leave your earphones in a bag for a while! Dr Niraj Lal explains why earphones always tangle, and what this tells us about the universe.

  • S01E05 Universe Shape

    • ABC (AU)

    Is it flat? Or spherical? Maybe something else entirely? How would we even figure that out? Prof Alan Duffy unpacks what we know so far about the shape of the universe.

  • S01E06 Does Your Dog Love You?

    • ABC (AU)

    Vanessa Hill and her labradoodle Luna dive into the science behind the canine-human love story.

  • S01E07 Artificial Intelligence: Good Or Evil?

    • ABC (AU)

    Are the robots coming to steal our jobs and destroy the world? Or are they actually our chance to solve humanity's most critical problems? In this episode we explore exactly what artificial intelligence is and meet some of the best brains in the business.

  • S01E08 Can You Control Your Dreams?

    • ABC (AU)

    Whether you remember them or not we all dream. But some people claim to be able to take over their dreams and control the outcome. Is lucid dreaming really a thing? And if so can you teach yourself to do it? Vanessa Hill finds out.

  • S01E09 Are Bananas Herbs?

    • ABC (AU)

    What's a fruit, what's a vegetable and what's neither? Prep yourself to win those fruit and veg arguments scientifically.

  • S01E10 Are Aliens Listening To Us?

    • ABC (AU)

    For decades we have been beaming radio signals into space, if Aliens exist is there a chance that they could be listening in?

  • S01E11 Can You Freeze Light?

    • ABC (AU)

    Spoiler Alert: Aussie scientists have recently found a way to freeze light. What does that even mean? How can you freeze light? And how will that help us create computers a million times faster than your PC?

  • S01E12 How Does Sunscreen Work?

    • ABC (AU)

    We've all had sun protection tips drilled into us but how exactly does sunscreen protect you from sun damage? And can you guess what the SPF of back hair is?

  • S01E13 Top Five Things You Need To Know About Renewable Energy

    • ABC (AU)

    With energy prices skyrocketing is renewable energy the solution that will save us, or is it the stuff of science fiction? What does renewable energy even mean? Dr Niraj Lal takes us through the Top 5 things you need to know.

  • S01E14 What's Lurking In The Aussie Deep?

    • ABC (AU)

    An expedition of the Australian Eastern Abyss has revealed entirely new species for the very first time. Incredibly weird creatures like Sea Pigs, Zombie Worms and Blobfish.

  • S01E15 Can Meditation Make You Healthier?

    • ABC (AU)

    Mindfulness meditation is becoming increasingly popular in Australia but what does the science say about it? Can meditation change your body? Alter your mind? Or even make you healthier?

  • S01E16 Vanessa's Top 5 Brain Facts

    • ABC (AU)

    In this episode we blow your mind with the top five things you need to know about your brain.

  • S01E17 How Did Uluru Form?

    • ABC (AU)

    It's one of the world's most iconic landmarks and one of Australia's most sacred spots. But just how much do you know about it? How did the giant rock end up in the middle of the Outback? And why is it red?

  • S01E18 Are We A Mass Extinction Event?

    • ABC (AU)

    Scientists have discovered five mass extinction events in our geological records. Some now fear we're in the middle of the next one. Dr Niraj Lal goes on a bromantic trip to the zoo with Professor Tim Flannery to explore.

  • S01E19 Is Teleportation Possible?

    • ABC (AU)

    Imagine beaming yourself to the other side of the world, the beach, or instantly home after work. Some recent scientific breakthroughs are starting to have us wondering if teleportation may actually be possible one day.

  • S01E20 Where Is The Most Radioactive Place In Australia?

    • ABC (AU)

    Every day we get gently irradiated by the universe; by our food, by the air we breathe, and even the gadgets we use. So how much radiation can we safely be exposed to? And where is the most radioactive place down under?

  • S01E21 Why Isn't It Light At Night?

    • ABC (AU)

    Scientists estimate that the universe contains over a trillion galaxies, and that each galaxy contains about 100 billion stars. So how come their combined light doesn't illuminate the night sky?

  • S01E22 Is The Map Of Australia Wrong?

    • ABC (AU)

    The shape of the Australian landmass is an iconic piece of our national identity. But could it actually be wrong? And if so what does it really look like? #mapgate

  • S01E23 How Do They Predict The Weather?

    • ABC (AU)

    Weather systems are incredibly difficult to predict. As technology improves will we ever have forecasts that are correct 100 percent of the time? And how does weather prediction even work?

  • S01E24 5 Things You Need To Know About Climate Change

    • ABC (AU)

    With temperatures on the rise people will be spending a lot of time at the beach, but with rising sea levels, where exactly will our beaches be?

  • S01E25 Top 5 Things You Need To Know About Your Body

    • ABC (AU)

    From bacteria you could be mates with to giant livers at midnight, join Vanessa as she loads you up on the top five mind-frying facts about your body.

  • S01E26 What Are The Biggest And Smallest Things?

    • ABC (AU)

    This is the ultimate list, the biggest things in the universe and the smallest things in the universe. Do you know what the biggest thing is that humans have made?

  • S01E27 Do You Exist In A Parallel Universe?

    • ABC (AU)

    Could there be another you out there in the world somewhere? A genetically identical twin? In fact more than the same genes but the same experiences? Another you out beyond our planet out beyond the visible universe?

  • S01E28 Will Australia Have The Last Bees On Earth?

    • ABC (AU)

    Bee populations around the world are vanishing in part due to the destructive Varroa mite. Australia has so far been unaffected by the Varroa destructor. So will Australia have the last bees on Earth?

  • S01E29 What If The Moon Just Disappeared?

    • ABC (AU)
  • S01E30 Why Do We Laugh?

    • ABC (AU)

    We all love a good laugh. But once the giggles stop, have you ever asked yourself, 'why do we laugh?' What actually is laughter? And what are our bodies doing to create the chuckles?

  • S01E31 Are We Still Evolving?

    • ABC (AU)

    Have you ever wondered if our species is still evolving? Has our cultural and technological evolution replaced our biological evolution?

  • S01E32 What Does Your Breath Say About You?

    • ABC (AU)

    Scientists have made huge advances towards being able to test people's breath to diagnose a range of health issues. What does your breath say about your health?

  • S01E33 Are You Addicted To Your Phone?

    • ABC (AU)

    Do you get anxious when you're offline? Or do you freak out when your boss or love interest doesn't reply straight away? Maybe you're already addicted to your phone. Join Dr Niraj Lal to find out.

  • S01E34 How Much Does Australia Weigh?

    • ABC (AU)

    Ever wondered how heavy our entire continent is? To work it out takes you to some really interesting numbers. We pull together a crack team of geologists to help us work out the weight of the Australian landmass.

  • S01E35 Top 5 Things You Need To Know About Earth

    • ABC (AU)

    Earth is the only place in the universe (we know of) where life exists. To celebrate that Dr Niraj Lal takes us through the top five incredible things you need to know about our planet.