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Season 1

  • S01E01 Porn

    • May 15, 2014
    • BBC Three

    Tyger is part of the first generation to have unlimited access to porn and wants to find out what it's doing to us. With hardcore porn of every shade only a click away, Tyger speaks with both the young people who are watching it and the industry who are churning it out like never before. From the old skool of porn movies to the new generation of interactive porn performers, he meets a girl who pays her way through university by webcamming. Tyger discovers how the fantasy of porn is impacting the realities of sex amongst young adults and questions whether this constant connection with hardcore porn is helping us to disconnect from real world relationships. From addicts who are living out their porn fantasies in the real world to a radical online male community who have decided that their porn habit has also gone too far, to those tragically affected by our 24/7 access to extreme porn, Tyger goes a journey to the heart of the porn question. Just one more thing - Tyger's dad is Britain's most famous porn star, Ben Dover, so expect some pretty tricky questions when it comes to dad.

  • S01E02 The Perfect Body

    • May 22, 2014
    • BBC Three

    Tyger Drew-Honey is thrown in at the deep end as he explores male body image and discovers how far some will go for the perfect look. He meets the vainest boys in Britain who think nothing of waxing everything, and learns that our obsession with selfies might be fuelling a rise in young men opting for plastic surgery. Immersing himself in the trend-setting world of 'Men's Fitness', Tyger enters a national competition, attempting to train for the 'shredded look'. But his workouts stop when he puts his heart at risk by taking easily available sports supplements that shouldn't even be on the shelves.

  • S01E03 Love

    • June 5, 2014
    • BBC Three

    Tyger is single and looking for love, so he is joining the million-plus young adults who have signed themselves up to online dating in search of a relationship. As meeting people has never been easier with hundreds of potential dates a swipe away on the phone, has finding love become all too easy? How have relationships changed given that technology has given us access to more people than ever before? However, in an age where young people's relationship and dating options have vastly expanded and we have more friends than ever before, why, according to the latest research, are we the loneliest we've ever been? With fast, quick-fix disposable encounters and a trend for open relationships and polyamory fundamentally changing the nature of our relationships, are young people incapable of traditional commitment? Tyger meets young people caught up in the melting pot of modern relationships and talks to professionals who question whether we are addicted to digital dating. What do these new generation of relationships forged in the heat of technology and 'openness' really look like?

Season 2

  • S02E01 How Straight Am I?

    • November 12, 2015
    • BBC Three

    Tyger meets some of the trailblazers who are forging a brave new world of sexual expression amidst a backdrop of elite sex parties and the nu-drag scene, as he tries to be open-minded about his own sexuality.

  • S02E02 Am I Sexist?

    • November 19, 2015
    • BBC Three

    Tyger explores the battle of the sexes, visiting some of the battlegrounds on which it is being fought, and treading the minefield of sexism from the mating game and universities to politics. Tyger questions whether he is part of the problem.