This series is about a 19-year-old girl, Yoo Min, who was being abandoned after the death of her mother. She lives alone with her adopted brother, Kang Pyo. She accidentally meets Seung Jae, the younger brother of Min Jae. By chance, Yoo Min actually had a crush on Min Jae, a doctor who treats her brother illness for a long time. To fight off his mother demand, Min Jae gets into an engagement contract with Yoo Min and they all end up living at Min Jae's house.
Unexpectedly, Yoo Min and Seung Jae are going to the same high school. From there, Seung Jae secretly loves Yoo Min. On the other hand, Yoo Min's father who got amnesia from a car accident is looking for her again when 15 years ago, she had been abandoned by two women who worked at the restaurant. The conflict comes when the people who are living in Min Jae's house are actually related to Yoo Min's abandonment. They are the ones who stole the inheritance and abandoned her when she was four years old
- She Is Nineteen
- My 19-Year-Old Sister-in-Law
형의 부득이한(?) 계약으로 만난 열아홉 살짜리 예비 형수와 수학자를 꿈꾸는 동갑내기 예비 시동생과의 사랑이라는, 다소 파격적이며 발칙한 상상을 소재로 하고 있다. ‘갈 수 없는 길인데도, 아니 따라 갈 수 없는 간절한 그 마음, 그 사랑의 과정’을 때로는 애틋하게, 때로는 코믹하게 그려보고자 하며, 마침내 두 사람의 사랑이 ‘금기’라는 틀을 깨고 극복되어지는 과정을 통해, 순수한 사랑의 의미를 되새겨보고자 한다.