Han Geon Soo is the young clinic owner who tries to protect his clinic from being taken over by loan sharks. He tries his best to save the clinic when uncollected loans are passed on to him after his father's sudden death. Choi Yong Woo is a talented doctor who joins the clinic to return his thanks to Geon Soo's father. Yong Woo is someone that often gets into arguments with patients who want to undergo unnecessary plastic surgery. Yoon Ki Nam is the nurse who forms a love triangle between the two men. Yoon Seo Jin is the manager who obtained her perfect beauty through plastic surgery.
有一種職業,雖然沒有孫悟空的七十二變,但可以用自己手,把女人變得更美麗,把男人變得更帥氣; 想知道什麼樣的鼻子最挺拔、什麼樣的眼睛最迷人、什麼樣的嘴唇最性感更重要的是,怎麼才能擁有這些,那麼就請進入Before&After整形外科...... 在這裡,你可以看到形形色色的人,各種各樣要求改頭換面的原因; 為什麼會“全民整容”,為什麼小小的整形醫院可以成為韓國的支柱產業?這裡也許會給你答案.....如果你有整形的念頭,相信它會提供給你很多有用的信息如果你厭惡整形,這裡也許會讓對整形減少偏見; 如果你只是想看部韓劇,那麼輕鬆搞笑的劇情也不會讓你失望; 韓國電視台史上第一部以整形作為話題的電視劇。