It tells the story of one of Emperor Yongzheng's concubines, Zhen Huan, who's the mother of Prince Hongli. This drama, adapted from popular Internet novel of the same name, will tell the story of the heroine, Zhen Huan, who joined the palace harem with her sister. She was selected to be Emperor Yongzheng's concubine. When Zhen Huan first enters the palace, she is innocent and gullible, but gradually learnd the hard way to fend for herself when she inadvertently becomes caught up in the schemes between the Empress and Concubine Hua. Through cunning and deceit, Zhen Huan finally succeeds in becoming Empress. However, she arouses Emperor Yongzheng's suspicion about her loyalty and is forced to poison her true love, 17th Prince. Finally, when Emperor Yongzheng dies and Hong Li ascends the throne, Concubine Zhen Huan becomes Empress Dowager. Though her future seems bright, she lives the rest of her life in sadness and guilt.
- The Legend of Zhen Huan
- Hou Gong Zhen Huan Zhuan
- Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan
1722年、9人の皇子たちによる皇位を巡る争い"九王奪嫡"の末、愛新覚羅・胤禛(あいしんかくら・いんしん)が康熙帝(こうきてい)の後を継いだ。それは清の第5代皇帝・雍正帝の時代の幕開けと同時に、皇帝の寵愛を巡る側室たちの激しく哀しい諍いの始まりでもあった...。皇后と側室の華妃が勢力を二分する後宮に、甄嬛(しんけい)が側室として宮廷入りする。 そこは皇帝の寵愛を巡り、女の嫉妬と陰険な陰謀が渦巻いていた。華妃とその手下の側室が仕掛けてくる冷酷な罠を、智慧で乗り越え、遂に華妃を 打ち倒す。しかしその諍いで心も疲れ切った甄嬛は宮廷を後にする。外の世界で待ち受けていたのは、皇帝の弟・果郡王との安らぎの時。しかし幸せな時間の中、甄嬛を不幸に陥れる真の敵の影が忍び寄っていた。甄嬛の辛く哀しい人生の扉が、今、開かれる―。
베스트셀러 '후궁경환전'을 토대로 만든 작품으로, 후궁들 사이의 궁중 암투를 다룬 드라마
时为满清雍正元年,结束了血腥的夺位之争,新的君主(陈建斌 饰)继位,国泰民安,政治清明,但在一片祥和的表象之下,一股暗流蠢蠢欲动。尤其后宫,华妃(蒋欣 饰)与皇后(蔡少芬 饰)分庭抗礼,各方势力裹挟其中,凶险异常。在太后(刘雪华 饰)的主持下,一场盛大的选秀拉开帷幕。以 此为机缘,美丽善良的女孩——大理寺少卿甄远道长女甄嬛(孙俪 饰)意外得到雍正的赏识,从此步入皇宫。在皇后和华妃两方势力的夹击下,甄嬛小心周旋,忍辱负重,命悬一线。她不得不用自己的智慧保护自己,又一次次被卷入残酷的宫闱斗争之中……