Three Kingdoms Secret focuses on the power struggle between Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty (Ma Tian Yu) and powerful warlord Cao Cao (Tse Kwan Ho). The story begins with the birth of Consort Wang’s twin sons Liu Xie (Emperor Xian) and Liu Ping, both played by Ma Tianyu. To protect her children from the scheming Empress He, Consort Wang raises Liu Xie in the palace, and orders a trusted servant to secretly take Liu Ping out of the palace. Eighteen years later, the weak-willed and sickly Liu Xie orders his brother back to the Capital, and Liu Ping is tasked with replacing Liu Xie as Emperor and saving the Han Dynasty. Cao Cao’s cunning advisor Guo Jia (Sunny Wang) begins to suspect Liu Ping’s true identity, though with the help of Sima Yi (Elvis Han) and Empress Fu Shou (Wan Qian), Liu Ping manages to hold his ground against the ambitious Cao family.
동한 마지막 황제의 이야기와 삼국의 역사를 새롭게 담은 드라마
东汉末年,灵帝宠妃王美人诞下双生子,因遭何皇后迫害,对外称只生一子刘协,另一个儿子刘平则被人偷偷带出,密养宫外。十八年后,各路诸侯互相征伐,傀儡皇帝刘协重病沉疴,为挽救大厦将倾的汉室,他密诏刘平回宫,替代自己复兴汉室。从来不知自己身世的刘平,与从小一起长大的司马懿,踏入了不可知的战场。 在曹氏集团亲信满宠、郭嘉等人围绕刘平的身世展开侦查时,刘平在皇后伏寿等人的帮助下化解了一轮又一轮的危机。最后关头,刘平认清了一个时代的变更已不可改变,他用不战的方式,取得了最大胜利。但与其政见不同、手段狠辣的司马懿,却与之走上了不同的道路。最后刘平在稳定了中原的和平局面后,与伏寿在民间行医济世,教授儿童
後漢末期、群雄が割拠する中、曹操(そうそう)が皇帝・劉協(りゅうきょう)を傀儡にして勢力を伸ばしていた。遠く都を離れた司馬(しば)家に預けられ育った劉平(りゅうへい)は、突然迎えに来た父に連れ られ都に向かう。その道中、思わぬ秘密を知らされ驚く劉平。劉平は皇帝の双子の弟だったのだ。しかし、劉平が都に着いた時には、病の皇帝はすでに亡くなっていた。亡き兄の遺志を継いで皇帝に成り代わった劉 平は、皇后の伏寿(ふくじゅ)、幼なじみの司馬懿(しばい)と共に漢王朝を再興するために曹操との戦いに挑む!