《大俠霍元甲》是由柏杉擔任總導演,郭靖宇擔任總編劇,劉方執導,趙文卓領銜主演,毛林林、釋小龍、王之一、賈宏偉、吳超、寇家瑞主演的中華武術正劇 [1] 。
該劇講述了清朝末年,一代武術宗師霍元甲面對內憂外患的國家危難,以中華武術精神抵禦外國勢力,捍衛民族尊嚴的傳奇故事 [2] 。
The Refornment Movement of 1898 resulted in the "Six Heroes" dying. Huo Yuan Jia, who was filled with patriotic enthusiasm, had been eager to participate; however, he fell into the enemy's trap and could only watch as the heroes of the country died. Not long after, China was invaded by the enemy. A year later, Huo Yuan Jia who was now living in ChangZhou took a stroll along the mountainside. Discouraged by his past and in fear of falling into the enemy's trap again, he decided to move to Shanghai. Huo Yuan Jia's following a reputation grew quickly. The Japanese (who had invaded China) grew worried and began to provoke Huo Yuan Jia. Huo Yuan Jia fearlessly charged into battle and finally defeated the enemy with his courageous actions.