Pang Yu and Feng Xi were old friends who cared deeply for each other - one is refined and gentlemanly while the other is exceptionally talented but doesn't let it show. Because of Dong Yue's appearance, Pang Yu and Feng Xi eventually have a falling out and turn into enemies. Dong Yue encourages the two men to make peace as they face greater enemies in their efforts to assist Pang Yu to the throne.
大胤年間,飽受戰火之痛的女將冬月重回戰亂前,刺殺叛臣陸遠潼止戰保蒼生,與算無遺策的“奸臣”馮夕生死相鬥又生死相救,情愫暗生。馮夕不擇手段引發冬月誤會,冬月獨自去殺陸遠潼,馮夕為救冬月而死。冬月再回過去,選擇相信馮夕,馮夕卻忘記了她,她試圖幫馮夕找回記憶,卻不忍馮夕傷害身體,只好以陌生人的身份默默守護馮夕,馮夕卻再次愛上了她,不惜與陸遠潼同歸於盡來實現她止戰的願望。為救馮夕,冬月第三次回到過去,得知馮夕身份後幫馮夕母族平反,與馮夕攜手扶持明君三皇子即位,打敗陸遠潼,還天下太平。但受時空逆轉影響,冬月生命即將殆盡,馮夕暗中幫冬月續命被冬月發現,冬月不告而別,馮夕四處尋覓,直到某天再見風前月下,冬青花開… …