立志成为时装设计师的唐沫沫竟然是色盲。 然而,凌瑶出身于豪门,却在努力下也找不到人生的方向。 当这个出身名门、才华横溢的迷途少年,与一个勇敢不放弃的朝气蓬勃的少女相撞,又会擦出怎样的火花呢?
Tang Mo Mo, who aims to become a fashion designer, is unexpectedly colorblind. However, Ling Yao was born in a wealthy family, but he could not find the direction in life despite of his efforts. What kind of sparks will ensue when this lost boy with outstanding talent from a famous family collide with a vigorous girl who is brave and never gives up?
Tang Momo, embora sofra de daltonismo, sonha em ser figurinista. Ling Yao, embora tenha nascido em uma família rica, não conseguiu encontrar seu objetivo na vida. O que acontecerá entre um garoto rico, mas perdido, e uma garota simples, mas persistente?