這個社區無奇不有,光怪陸離的事情天天上演,吵了半輩子的絕交死黨、一個只想照人生願望清單打勾前進的火星女、高智商低情商的天才才子、地表最強潮媽婆婆、暴發的假掰貴婦、有女團夢的清潔工、怎麼看都像黑道老大的保全、社區八卦中心阿花、什麼都要管的檢舉達人、美女單親媽媽和隔壁帥哥也有著不可告人的秘密,透過小人物們生活中柴米油鹽、笑淚交織的故事,用輕鬆幽默風格帶入寫實生活問題,以笑聲為力量,陪伴觀眾每晚生活。 一個荒謬的夜晚,早安社區的歡喜冤家沛沛和宇軒踏上仙姑預言命中注定的宿命愛情,當毒舌竹馬愛上他的小青梅,生活中互懟都是滿滿的偏愛,吵鬧裡是說不出的寵愛,偏偏他們有一對死對頭爸爸,這對歡喜冤家相愛相殺的戀愛之路注定 要一輩子「懟」上了!!
From the moment they were born, Wu Pei Pei and Li Yu Xuan have been each other’s greatest rivals. Growing up as neighbors, the two were constantly compared to each other by their parents. Despite the rivalry between their fathers, Pei Pei and Yu Xuan still found a way to secretly become friends; until an unfortunate accident drives them apart.
Now adults, Pei Pei and Yu Xuan have spent their entire lives next to each other but have yet to find a way to overcome the incident that drove them apart all those years ago. Still being constantly compared to each other by their fathers, Pei Pie and Yu Xuan have never once let go of the competitive spirit that has been driving them since childhood. Forever trying to outdo the other, their endless confrontations have served to spur each of them to greater heights; proving that no matter how reluctantly they are to admit it, they have each played an unexpected role in the other’s success.
- Men Dang Hu Dui Ai Shang Ni