This drama tells the story of Wei Ruolai, a financial genius who serves as a low-level employee of the Kuomintang Central Bank from 1929 to 1934. He is mentored by the senior advisor Shen Tunan. In troubled times, he is confused and hesitant about the path he should choose. Under the influence of Shen Tunan's sister and Communist Party member Shen Jinzhen, he gradually establishes his communist beliefs and grows into a loyal financier who takes the lead in our party’s financial front.
Wei Ruolai, jeune génie de la finance, travaille à la banque centrale de Kuomintang sous la supervision de Shen Tunan. En ces temps troublés de la Chine des années 30, Ruolai se tourne vers Shen Jinzhen, membre du Parti communiste et sœur de son patron, dans l’espoir de trouver un sens à sa vie.