The Adventures of Superboy was a series of six-minute animated Superboy cartoons produced by Filmation that were broadcast on CBS between 1966 and 1969, that ran for three seasons. It was based on the popular Superboy comics created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
The 34 segments appeared as part of three different programs during that time, packaged with similar shorts featuring The New Adventures of Superman other DC Comics superheroes.
These adventures marked the animation debut of Superboy, as well as his teenage alter ego Clark Kent, who acted as the bespectacled, mild-mannered disguise for the young hero. Krypto the super-powered dog would accompany his master on every dangerous mission. Other characters were featured, such as Lana Lang, the foster parents of the Boy of Steel; Pa and Ma Kent. The town of Smallville also made its animated debut.
упербой - сериал от создателей первых трёх фильмов о Супермэне (с Кристофером Ривом) и фильме Супергёрл, рассказывающий о молодых годах юного Супермэна, скрывающегося под личиной репортёра Кларка Кента, влюблённого в свою подругу детства, ныне коллегу Лану Лэнг.
O desenho foi exibido inicialmente no intervalo das aventuras do Super-Homem, no desenho "As Novas Aventuras do Super-Homem", produzido pelos estúdios Filmation em 1966. Ao lado de Superboy estão Krypto, o supercão, e a vítima preferida de seus salvamentos, sua namorada de infância, Lana Lang. Martha e Jonathan Kent, seus pais adotivos, também dão as caras na animação e desenvolvem um importante papel dentro da trama. Embora na cronologia oficial o Super-Homem tenha começado suas aventuras apenas na idade adulta, o desenho cumpre seu principal papel, ou seja, divertir o telespectador.
- As Aventuras Do Superboy (1966)