

Robotech is the critically acclaimed animated series about mankind's first contact with warring alien races, and the use of alien technology to defend Earth. The series was broken into three chapters, The Macross Saga, The Robotech Masters, and The New Generation. Released in 1985, Robotech was the first anime (Japanese animation) series that many fans had seen, and is often accredited as the cause of the anime fandom that continues to grow today in the United States.

English français italiano Português - Portugal español 大陆简体 русский язык
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials July 1984 July 2013 10
Season 1 - The Macross Saga March 1985 April 1985 36
Season 2 - The Masters Saga April 1985 May 1985 24
Season 3 - The New Generation May 1985 June 1985 25
Unassigned Episodes 2
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Season 1 March 1985 April 1985 35
Season 2 April 1985 May 1985 12
Season 3 May 1985 1
Unassigned Episodes 49
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 March 1985 June 1985 85
Unassigned Episodes 12
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Steve Kramer 2 03/04/1985 - 04/23/1985
Frank Agrama 1 01/05/2007
Ardwight Chamberlain 1 03/01/1985
Ford Riley 1 01/05/2007
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Carl Macek 2 07/25/1986
Shouji Kawamori 2 07/07/1984
Robert V. Barron 2 03/01/1985 - 03/04/1985
Ishiguro Noburo 2 07/07/1984 - 07/25/1986
Tommy Yune 1 01/05/2007
Dong Wook Lee 1 01/05/2007

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