Brotherhood is an American television drama series created by Blake Masters about the intertwining lives of the Irish-American Caffee brothers from Providence, Rhode Island: Tommy is a local politician and Michael is a professional criminal involved with New England's Irish Mob. The show also features their mother Rose, cousin Colin Carr, childhood friend and Rhode Island state detective Declan Giggs, Irish mob boss Freddie Cork, Tommy's wife Eileen, and Michael's criminal partner Pete McGonagle
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | July 2006 | September 2006 | 11 |
Season 2 | September 2007 | December 2007 | 10 |
Season 3 | November 2008 | December 2008 | 8 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 29 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | July 2006 | December 2008 | 29 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Henry Bromell | 15 | 07/16/2006 - 12/14/2008 | |
Blake Masters | 15 | 07/09/2006 - 12/21/2008 | |
Ed Bianchi | 7 | 07/16/2006 - 12/07/2008 | |
Nick Gomez | 3 | 08/27/2006 - 11/09/2008 | |
Alik Sakharov | 2 | 11/25/2007 - 11/30/2008 | |
Brian Kirk | 2 | 09/17/2006 - 10/07/2007 | |
Phillip Noyce | 2 | 07/09/2006 - 09/30/2007 | |
Steve Shill | 2 | 08/06/2006 - 08/20/2006 | |
Seith Mann | 1 | 11/23/2008 | |
Tim Hunter | 1 | 12/14/2008 | |
Leslie Libman | 1 | 08/13/2006 | |
Michael Corrente | 1 | 11/18/2007 | |
Thomas Carter | 1 | 11/04/2007 | |
Jean de Segonzac | 1 | 07/23/2006 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Dawn Prestwich, Nicole Yorkin | 3 | 07/23/2006 - 09/17/2006 | |
Karen Hall | 2 | 11/16/2008 - 12/07/2008 |
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A comprehensive list of all TV series seen and experienced throughout my life from early childhood to the present day. Usually full completion including all seasons, but at least a mandatory minimum of one full season. Will include live action and Western animation/cartoons, but exclude anime, which is on a separate list.
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