The day after an apparent alien invasion of Tokyo is repelled by a mysterious being, middle schooler Murata Hajime discovers that his small town holds a strange secret when he witnesses transfer student Subaru Muryou fight another student using psychic powers. Since Hajime himself is relatively new to his town, he has been unaware that the leading families have been protecting the earth from alien invasion for centuries by using the ability of "Shingu," and that the current members of the middle school student council are also the chosen guardians of this generation. He also begins to discover that many of the town's residents are in fact intergalactic diplomats. Hajime is drawn futher into this open secret as his friendship with Muryou and the "chosen" teenagers—especially tomboy Moriyama Nayuta—deepens and as he begins to discover that he has a role to play in Earth's future.
Nous sommes en 2070. Un objet énorme apparaît dans le ciel de Tokyo et suscite la confusion. L'ovni est soudain anéanti par un autre objet énorme qui disparaît. Le gouvernement admet par la suite l'existence des extraterrestres. Quelques jours plus tard, l'étrange Muryo Subaru arrive au collège Misumaru et se lie d'amitié à Hajime Murata. Alors que Muryo se retrouve impliqué dans des petites querelles de conseils de délégués dans ce collège, d'étranges personnes aux pouvoirs surnaturels se rassemblent dans ce collège et semblent liés aux différents ovnis aperçus