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Paris Filmes

Paris Filmes is a Brazilian film distributor which distributes movies in cinemas, DVD and Blu-ray. Founded in 1960 by the Romanian immigrant Sandi Adamiu, the company began distributing the films of the French studio Pathé. In the 1980s, Paris acquired the VHS distributor América Vídeo, which specialized in action films. In the late 2000's, Paris distributed the Twilight and Hunger Games film series, making the studio first place in market share in 2012/13.

English Português - Brasil

There are no series associated with this company.

O Debate
Dot and the Kangaroo
A Virgem e o Bem-Dotado
Virando a Mesa
Sou Carnaval de São Salvador
O Sexualista
Mulheres no Poder
O Amuleto
Bandida: A Número Um
Todas as Meninas Reunidas, Vamos Lá!
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Adultério Por Amor
Mord in Rio
As Prostitutas do Dr. Alberto
C.I.C. – Central de Inteligência Cearense
Com Minha Sogra em Paquetá
Cama de Gato
Juras Eternas
Mulher Desejada