All Hallows' Eve

After a night of trick or treating, Sarah (Katie Maguire) is surprised to see that Tia (Sydney Freihofer) and Timmy (Cole Mathewson) have received an unmarked VHS tape in one of their bags. They decide to watch the video which contains three stories featuring a creepy clown named Art (Mike Giannelli). The first features a young woman who is drugged and kidnapped by Art the Clown while waiting for a bus. She awakens chained in a room with two other women. Demonic creatures enter, killing two of the women and taking the third to a room where a devil-like creature rapes her. A humanoid fetus is then removed via c section by the creatures. The second features a woman living in a new countryside home who begins to experience strange occurrences. It is revealed that she is being stalked by aliens, and as she's dragged off by the aliens, she grabs a sheet which pulls away to reveal a painting of Art the Clown. The final segment features a college student driving down an isolated road. Stopping at a gas station, she finds the attendant furiously kicking out Art who had apparently smeared feces all over the bathroom. The attendant fills her tank and goes inside to fetch her directions. When he doesn't return, the girl inspects to find Art chopping up the attendants body with a hacksaw. She flees and a chase ensues. Eventually Art catches her and she comes to on a crude operating table with her limbs cut off by Art. It ends with Art laughing silently but maniacally. Disturbed, Sarah attempts to shut off the tape but to no avail. Art then steps into frame in a dingy looking basement. He approaches Sarah from within the screen and begins to pound the television glass, ending when she destroys the tape. Sarah goes to check on the children only to find out that Art has murdered them.

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  • Movie ID 12327
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide October 29, 2013
  • Runtime 82 minutes
  • Genres Horror
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages English
  • Production Company Ruthless Pictures
  • Production Countries United States of America
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 1 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 18, 2024 by

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