
When a brilliant video game maker Flynn hacks the mainframe of his ex-employer, he is beamed inside an astonishing digital world... and becomes part of the very game he is designing. In his mission throug cyberspace, Flynn matches wits with a maniacal Master Control Program and teams up with Tron, a security measure created to bring balance to the digital environment.

  • Tron: The Electronic Gladiator
  • TRON: The Orginal Classic
日本語 Magyar 한국어 大陆简体 русский язык עברית Português - Portugal English Deutsch italiano Português - Brasil español français

Tron Franchise

6 2 szsori

Tron Saga

1 3 pastekwxw

Complete List of Walt Disney Movies

1 204 Mattman583

A complete list of every movie Disney has ever produced or helped produce. From Wikipedia: Walt Disney Pictures is an American film production company and division of The Walt Disney Studios, owned by The Walt Disney Company. The division is based at the Walt Disney Studios and is the main producer of live-action feature films within the The Walt Disney Studios unit. It took on its current name in 1983. Today, in conjunction with the other units of The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Pictures is classified as one of Hollywood's "Big Six" film studios. Nearly all of Walt Disney Pictures' releases are distributed theatrically by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, through home media platforms via Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment and through television syndication by Disney–ABC Domestic Television.


1 4 djhitman

Tron is an American science fiction media franchise created by Steven Lisberger, which began with the eponymous 1982 film. The original film portrays Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, a genius computer programmer and video game developer who becomes transported inside a digital virtual reality known as "The Grid", where he interacts with programs in his quest to escape.

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