The show follows the lives of Orange and friends; Pear, Passion Fruit, Midget Apple, Marshmellow, Grandpa Lemon and the antagonistic Grapefruit. The main setting takes place at a grocery store named Daneboe's (a reference to creator Dane Boedigheimer) which is watched over by employee Nerville (played by internet personality Toby Turner). There is no one-track premise for the show but instead focuses on the surreal misadventures of the fruit as they face evil vegetables, alien broccoli and other weird characters as well.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | May 2012 | April 2013 | 30 |
Season 2 | May 2013 | March 2014 | 30 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 60 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 60 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Tom Sheppard | 7 | 05/28/2012 - 09/17/2012 | |
Luke Barats | 4 | 07/23/2012 - 09/03/2012 | |
Jessica Gao | 1 | 06/11/2012 | |
Tim Cahill | 1 | 10/01/2012 | |
Julie McNally-Cahill | 1 | 10/01/2012 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Ken Mitchroney | 7 | 05/28/2012 - 10/01/2012 | |
David Skelly | 4 | 07/23/2012 - 09/17/2012 | |
Dane Boedigheimer | 3 | 06/18/2012 - 07/16/2012 |
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