The movie begins with Ramesh (Atharvaa) waking up in a hangover and remembering the events of the previous day. After a breakup with his girlfriend Madhu (Mishti), he is sad and drinks a lot along with his friend Nandhu (Karunakaran (actor)). On his advice, Ramesh calls for a female escort and sneaks her into his apartment. Ramesh has to step out of his house due to his neighbor Devi's (Devadarshini) emergency situation. He asks the escort Nina (Anaika Soti) to wait inside his house, promising to come back soon. While he returns, he finds her dead. Ramesh is shocked and tries to find details about her. He sees restaurant receipts in her bag, checks the CCTV footages, and finds that another man named Ravi (Prinz Nithik) had accompanied her prior to her meeting him. From her cell phone, he finds her house address, travels to Palakkad, and asks Nandhu to stay behind and guard the dead body. He is not able to find any information from Nina's family and leaves, but Nina's sister makes a call to Sekar (John Vijay) and informs him about Ramesh.
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