Yu Hyechan is 29 years old. Hyechan is married to Kang Bongman who is her old classmate in high school whom she despised and hated but later fell for. The story opens with her decision to get a divorce. She has a car accident on the way to the courthouse. When she wakes up at the hospital she has no memory of her life past age 18. Her husband tries to support her since she is basically helpless now. As she recovers her memory she also starts to recover a relationship with her husband and begins to fall for him all over again...
- 18:29
- Eighteen vs Twenty-nine
Yu Hyechan 29 éves. Hyechan Kang Bongman felesége, aki a középiskolai iskolatársa volt, akit akkoriban gyűlölt és megvetett, de végül mégis beleszeretett. A történet azzal a döntéssel indul, hogy beadja a válópert, azonban útban a bíróságra balesetet szenved. Mikor felébred a kórházban, nem marad egyetlen emléke sem a 18 évesnél későbbi életéről. A férje próbálja segíteni őt, amiért ebben az állapotban tehetetlen. Ahogy egyre inkább felépül, kezd javulni a férjével való kapcsolata is, és szépen lassan ismét beleszeret...
Yoon Hye-chan is a twenty-nine-year-old who wants to divorce her husband, Kang Sang-young, a popular actor. After Hye Chan gets into an accident, her mind reverts to that of a silly, eighteen-year-old teenage girl, who is reliving her high school days.