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Danganronpa Franchise

Danganronpa is a Japanese video game and visual media franchise created by Kazutaka Kodaka. The series primarily surrounds various groups of apparent high school students who are forced into murdering each other by a robotic teddy bear named Monokuma.

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 13949
  • Created By NMe84
  • List Type Custom
  • Genre Action Animation Anime Suspense Thriller
  • Favorites 0
  • Created August 18, 2022 by
    NMe84 mod
  • Modified August 18, 2022 by
    NMe84 mod

Havoc #5


Danganronpa takes place at an elite high school named Hope's Peak Academy, which accepts talented "Ultimate" students of the highest caliber in various fields each year. Makoto Naegi, a fairly optimistic but otherwise average student, is selected in a raffle and chosen to enroll into the academy as the "Ultimate Lucky Student". However, when Makoto arrives at the Academy, he loses consciousness and wakes up locked inside the school, where he meets fourteen other newly picked Ultimate students who are in the same situation as him. A sadistic, remote-controlled bear named Monokuma appears before them, telling them they will be imprisoned in the academy for the rest of their lives, and that they will be put to death if they violate any of the school's rules. He states that there is only one way that a student can leave the academy: murder another student and avoid being identified as the culprit.

ダンガンロンパ 希望の学園と絶望の高校生 THE ANIMATION


どこにでもいそうな平凡な少年・苗木誠は、「超高校級の才能」を持つ現役高校生しか入学出来ない羨望の象徴「希望ヶ峰学園」に「超高校級の幸運」として抽選で選ばれたことを機に、「卒業すれば人生の成功が約束される」というこの学園に入学することになる。 迎えた入学式の日、意気揚々と希望ヶ峰学園の中へ入っていこうとする苗木だったが、玄関ホールに入ったところで急激なめまいに襲われ意識を失ってしまう。 苗木が目を覚ますと、そこは既に学園校舎の教室内であった。しかし違和感はそれだけに留まらず、校舎の窓は鉄板で塞がれ監視カメラとテレビモニターが至るところに設置されて圧迫感に満ちており、校舎全体からも異様な雰囲気が漂っていた。

Super Danganronpa 2.5 : Nagito Komaeda and the Destroyer of the World


Super Danganronpa 2.5 : Nagito Komaeda and the Destroyer of the World is an OVA consisting of one episode, which was bundled in the limited edition of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony released exclusively in Japan. It is set after Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair and before Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Hope Arc,

ダンガンロンパ3 The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 絶望編


これはもう一つのダンガンロンパ3 人類史上最大最悪の 絶望的事件に至るまでの物語。 あらゆる分野の超一流の高校生を集め、育て上げるために設立された、政府公認の特権的な学園「私立希望ヶ峰学園」。この学園には、超高校級の才能が集まる「本科」と、高い学費を払えば誰でも入れる「予備学科」が存在していた。才能だけではなく、性格も個性的な本科77期生。しかし彼らは才能のみに固執することなく、「人生に大切なことは、才能ではなく、人との関わりで人格を磨き、思い出を作ることである」ということを学び、それぞれ普通の高校生らしく学園生活を謳歌していく。しかし、水面下では謎のプロジェクトの遂行、学園による学科差別が横行していた。そして、才能を渇望した予備学科の少年・日向創。彼に起こる運命的な出会いが、学園を、未来を予測もつかない方向へ導いてしまう。これは、人類史上最大最悪の絶望的事件に至るまでの物語。絶望で終わる、希望の物語。

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy Side: Hope


The Future Foundation is in shambles after the Final Killing Game and the revelation of the true culprit. As a desperate plot arises from one of the survivors to rid the world of despair once and for all, the remaining Future Foundation members must band together to stop this atrocity from taking place. Fortunately, they find themselves with help from a group of unlikely allies as they race against the clock to stop their world from being changed. In this finale to the Hope's Peak storyline of the Danganronpa series, the players in this neverending death game begin to understand the true meaning behind despair, hope, and atonement.

Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope


Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope is a fan-series Inspired by the Spikesoft's Danganronpa Series. Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope is about The killing game which revolves around fourteen students who are trapped in an undisclosed location under the control of a sadistic monochrome bear named Monokuma. They are forced to live a communal lifestyle together under a set amount of rules (included in the e-Handbook) for the rest of their lives, although it is possible to "disrupt the peace" in order to escape. In order to do this, a student must "graduate" from the school by murdering a classmate.