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Ultraman [Franchise]

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 15297
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • Genre Action
  • Favorites 1
  • Created April 25, 2023 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified April 25, 2023 by
    toni kaku






The Return of Ultraman (帰ってきたウルトラマン Kaettekita Urutoraman, also known as Ultraman Jack), is a tokusatsu science fiction/kaiju/superhero TV series, and is the fourth in the Ultra Series. Another being from Nebula M-78, identical to the original Ultraman, combines with car racer-turned-MAT patrol member Hideki Gô, and fights assorted menaces in a frightening new "Age of Monsters."



異次元世界に君臨するヤプール人が、怪獣よりも強い生物兵器「超獣」を従えて地球侵略を開始した。 超獣第1号・ベロクロンによって地球防衛軍が全滅し、ベロクロンの襲撃から人々を守ろうとした北斗星司(ほくと せいじ)と南夕子(みなみ ゆうこ)の2人の若者も犠牲となる。ヤプールの野望を阻止するためにM78星雲から派遣されたウルトラ兄弟の5番目・ウルトラマンA(以後、A)は、北斗と夕子に自分の命と力を授ける。 新たな命を得た北斗と夕子は、地球防衛軍に代わって結成された超獣攻撃隊・TAC(タック)に入隊。銀河連邦の一員の証であるウルトラリングが光る時、北斗と夕子はウルトラタッチによってAに合体変身するのである。



Ultraman Story


The films opens with young Taro training, trying to hit moving targets with his specium beam. Meanwhile, on a faraway planet, Zoffy battles Tyrant. Later Antlar awakens in Baradhi. Ultraman arrives to battle him. Even later, Alien Borg attacks, and Ultraseven battles him in stock footage glory. The kaiju are defeated, while Taro continues to train. While training, he runs into Dokkun. The two of them come to a scuffle and the kaiju runs the ultra up a cliff. Mother of Ultra soon arrives and puts a stop to the fight.

Ultraman: The Adventure Begins


Three stunt pilots are changed when they gain the ability to transform into three new Ultra-beings, and form the Ultra Force, to battle four giant Sorkin Monsters.

Ultraman: Towards the Future


Astronaut turned UMA member Jack Shindo transforms into a new Ultraman to defend the Earth.

Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero


The members of WINR (pronounced "Winner") respond when members of the alien Baltan race attack Earth, but the Baltans are only fended off when a gigantic alien, Ultraman Powered, joins with WINR member Kenichi Kai and gives him the power to metamorphose into Ultraman in times of danger. At the end of the first episode Ultraman declares that the Baltans were not completely defeated and that he will remain on Earth to continue the fight.



ウルトラマンティガの活躍で世界に光と平和が戻ってから7年後の2017年。人類は宇宙開発に希望を求めて火星に前線基地を構築しており、ネオフロンティアと呼ばれる大航海時代を迎えた。 しかし、謎の生命体スフィアが人類の宇宙進出を阻むかのように火星基地を急襲。救援に飛び立ったスーパーGUTSの新人隊員でアスカ・シンは乗機を撃墜され、絶体絶命のピンチに陥る。その時、突如として現れた光とアスカは一体となり、ウルトラマンダイナに変身して地球と人類の危機に立ち向かうのだった。