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Fated to Love You Adaptations

A wealthy business heir marries an ordinary office worker after they have a one-night stand that leads to her unexpectedly becoming pregnant.

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 8080
  • Created By Imzadi
  • List Type Official
  • Favorites 1
  • Created June 3, 2021 by
    Imzadi mod
  • Modified June 8, 2021 by
    Imzadi mod

운명처럼 널 사랑해


부유한 CEO 이건과 회사원 김미영의 우연한 만남은 모든 것을 뒤엎고, 그 결과를 감당해야 한다.

You're My Destiny


Pawut is the successor to a large company. Wanida is a secretary in a law firm. They both go on the same cruise, with Pawut planning to propose to Kaekai, his girlfriend, and Wanida planning on losing her virginity to her boyfriend. However, Wanida ended up taking cold medicine which made her drowsy and accidentally went to Pawut's hotel room, while he was drugged. They spent the night together. Three months later, Wanida finds out that she is pregnant.

No 309


Ailelerinin zoruyla evlendirilen iki gencin daha sonrasında birbirlerine sırılsıklam aşık olması üzerine kurulu hikaye, menfaat ve çıkar düşkünü ailelerin gölgesinde filizlenenen bir aşk masalı oluyor.




運命から始まる恋~You are my Destiny~


どれだけ騙されても決して他人を悪く言わない派遣社員の佐藤彩は、いつも付箋一枚で用事を言いつけられ、「付箋女」と会社で便利使いされていた。そんなお人好しの平凡な会社員が、9代続く大会社の若き後継者・一条慶と運命の出会いをする。 一条家は、短命の家系ゆえ、慶は会長である祖母から早く結婚して跡継ぎを作ることを切望されていた。そんなリッチマン御曹司と、平凡な女性がまさかの一夜を共にするところから物語は始まる。面識すらなかった二人が、なんと新しい命を授かることに…二人は次第に、愛と命の大切さを知っていく。