帰れない事情を抱えた少女・更紗(さらさ)と、彼女を家に招き入れた孤独な大学生・文(ふみ)。 居場所を見つけた幸せを噛みしめたその夏の終わり、文は「誘拐犯」、更紗は「被害女児」となった。 15年後、偶然の再会を遂げたふたり、それぞれの隣には現在の恋人、亮と谷がいた。
In a park on a rainy evening, a 19-year-old university student, Fumi, offers an umbrella to a soaking wet 10-year-old girl, Sarasa. Realizing her reluctance to go home, Fumi lets her stay in his place, where they spend the next two months in peace until Fumi is arrested for kidnapping. Fifteen years later, the lonely two are reunited both still suffering from the stigma as the victim and perpetrator of "a pedophile case". Will society give a place to the unshakable bond they have formed?