「私、一生、恋愛なんてしないから」 通学のため、叔父・茂道(高良健吾)の家に居候することになった高校生の直達(大西利空)。だが、どしゃぶりの雨の中、最寄りの駅に迎えにきたのは見知らぬ大人の女性、榊さん(広瀬すず)だった。案内されたのはまさかのシェアハウス、いつも不機嫌そうにしているが、気まぐれに美味しいご飯を振る舞う26歳の OL ・榊さん、親に黙って脱サラしたマンガ家の叔父・茂道(通称:ニゲミチ)、女装の占い師・颯(はやて)、海外を放浪する大学教授・成瀬(なるせ)...と、いずれも曲者揃いの男女5人、さらには、拾った猫ムーをきっかけにシェアハウスを訪れるようになった直達の同級生で颯の妹・楓(かえで/當真あみ)も混ざり、想定外の共同生活が始まっていく。そして、日々を淡々と過ごす榊さんに淡い想いを抱き始める直達だったが、なぜか「恋愛はしない」と宣言する彼女との間には、過去に思いも寄らぬ因縁が......。
- Mizu wa Umi ni Mukatte Nagareru
Naotatsu Kumazawa is set to start high school. To commute to school, Naotatsu Kumazawa will stay with his uncle, Shigemichi Utagawa’s. On a heavily rainy day, Naotatsu Kumazawa arrives at the nearest stop from his uncle's house. At that time, a strange adult female, Chisa Sakaki, is waiting for him at the station. She takes him to a sharehouse. Naotatsu Kumazawa begins to live with other people at the share house including Chisa Sakaki, his uncle Shigemichi Utagawa, Hayate Izumiya and Kenzo Naruse. All the people there come from different backgrounds. Chisa Sakaki is a 26-year-old OL. Shigemichi Utagawa is a manga writer, but his parents don't know that he quit his regular job to become a manga writer. Hayate Izumiya is a fortune-teller and dresses in women’s clothes. Kenzo Naruse is a university professor who travels all around the world. Living with them, Naotatsu Kumazawa becomes to have feelings for Chisa Sakaki, but Chisa Sakaki says she doesn’t want a romantic relationship. Naotatsu Kumazawa and Chisa Sakaki had an unexpected connection in their past. What is the reason why Chisa Sakaki doesn’t want to have a romantic relationship?
قصة خمسة غرباء يعيشون تحت سقف واحد.
تبدأ الأحداث عندما ينتقل طالب الثانوية "ناوتاتسو" للعيش برفقة خاله الذي يعمل كاتبًا للقصص المصورة مع أستاذ جامعي وعرّافة وآنسة تعمل في شركة تبلغ من العمر 26 عامًا تُدعى "ساكاكي تشيسا"
تتقاطع طرق "تشيسا" مع "ناوتاتسو" بسبب ماضٍ مشترك بينهما.