Mister Chiba awakens in a container, tied up with a plastic bag over his head. When he manages to free himself, he finds a mobile phone, a light stick and a strange black stone. A number is tattooed on the inside of his wrist. From the way the container shakes can be deduced that Chiba is transported first in a truck and then on a ship. And he’s not the only one. People are trapped in the containers next to him as well, about a hundred in total. What is the purpose of this forced journey?
人过中年的千叶厚志(温水洋一 饰)曾经是小有名气的漫画家,然而他的生活江河日下,加上他无心上进,沉湎赌博玩乐,以致于妻子阳子带着女儿友理离开。千叶则过着债台高筑的生活,日常里被高利贷恐吓追讨,惶惶不可终日。这一天,千叶从昏迷中醒来,发现自己脑袋上罩着塑料袋,被人捆绑囚禁于一个集装箱内。他费尽力气挣脱束缚,报警无人理睬,逃生则找不到出口。究竟是何人为了什么囚禁他,千叶毫无头绪。不久后他发现,周围似乎还有很多集装箱,许许多多人也遭到非法囚禁,而且总数竟然多达数百人。他和其他落难者交流信息,结果发现了他们之间的共同点。