In Miyazaki Prefecture, a widowed woman Rie Takemoto meets a man called Daisuke Taniguchi, whom they fell in love and soon get married, and have a family filled with happiness, until an accident has taken Daisuke's life. When Rie handles Daisuke's funeral, a Taniguchi relative tells Rie that Daisuke man was not real. Shocked with the incident, Rie employs Akira Kido, a lawyer and her old friend, to set out to investigate her husband's real identity and background together. The more the two reveal pseudo-Daisuke's background, the more shocking truth surfaces beyond their knowledge in the past and tests their relationships with their own beloved ones.
Rie découvre que son mari disparu n'est pas celui qu'il prétendait être. Elle engage un avocat pour connaître la véritable identité de celui qu'elle aimait.