Młoda kobieta opuszcza rodzinę adopcyjną i rozpoczyna pracę jako luksusowa prostytutka w Sao Paulo. Swoje nowe życie opisuje na popularnym blogu.
Raquel is a girl, adopted by an upper-middle-class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in São Paulo to become a prostitute, and later call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha", which means "little surfer girl". This blog became a sensation, and quickly became one of the most popular blogs in Brazil. Becoming famous, her life changed significantly. She went on to be interviewed on Brazilian talk shows similar to Oprah and David Letterman, all the while continuing her blog about her racy exploits. But soon afterwards the fame gets to her in the form of addiction to drugs, which makes her do almost anything for a hit.
Una giovane donna abbandona la sua famiglia adottiva per diventare una prostituta d'alto bordo a San Paolo e documenta la sua nuova vita su un famoso blog.
Raquel Pacheco era uma jovem da classe média paulistana, que estudava em um colégio tradicional da cidade. Certo dia ela tomou uma decisão surpreendente: saiu de casa e resolveu virar garota de programa. Com o codinome "Bruna Surfistinha", Raquel viveu diversas experiências profissionais e ganhou destaque nacional ao contar suas aventuras sexuais e afetivas em um blog, que depois virou um livro e tornou-se um best seller.
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