Da sind zwei Brüder, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Der eine, Anno Wilhelm, liebt das Leben und sucht es auszukosten in jeder Hinsicht; der andere, Julian, möchte nichts lieber als sterben. Er hat bereits mehrere Selbstmordversuche hinter sich, Klinikaufenthalte und Zusammenbrüche. Die Männer, Ende 20, sind beide ohne Mutter aufgewachsen und haben, ein schwieriges Verhältnis zu ihrem Vater.
Jo Baier's drama focuses on a lively photographer, who wants to show his suicidal brother the beautiful sides of life and love. While Anno works as a successful photographer in Munich, his brother Julian thinks about committing suicide by jumping from a railway bridge in Wuppertal. As Anno wants to keep him from realizing his plan, he tries to prove Julian that life can be beautiful. On their way to Munich, Anno shows his brother the passport of a young woman named Laura, whom he took along due to a car break down. As Julian likes the photo, Anno later asks Laura not to give his brother love, but sympathy and strength...