继2019年《我和我的祖国》、2020年《我和我的家乡》,国庆三部曲之《我和我的父辈》接棒定档2021年国庆。由吴京、章子怡、徐峥、沈腾导演,“中国电影追梦人”再次集结,以革命、建设、改革开放和新时代为历史坐标, 通过“家与国”的视角描写几代父辈的奋斗经历,讲述中国人的血脉相连和精神传承,再现中国人努力拼搏的时代记忆。
Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration" trilogy with My People, My Country (2019) and My People, My Homeland (2020), My Country, My Parents focuses on four Chinese families in four different eras. Combined with 4 stories, through the perspective of "home" and "country", representing several generations of our predecessors' dedication and sacrifice. The whole movie bring back the audiences to the collective memories of our country, as well as the ordinary and great parental affection between every generation.