Duck! The Carbine High Massacre

Derwin (William Hellfire) and Derick (Joey Smack) are trench-coat wearing neo-Nazis from deprived families. They find a website selling top secret missiles and order one with the credit card of Derick's mother. The next day at school they encounter the school janitor who warns them of their unusual wardrobe. They launch the missile the following day, but discover it is a dud. While walking home, Derwin is assaulted by jock (subculture) and left in critical condition where the janitor finds him. He and Derick both fail their presentation on the topic of the internet due to Derwin's absence. They then form a plan to kill students at their school and then commit suicide with the principal's offered assistance. The pair buy two shotguns and several handguns from a black market dealer next door to a heavy metal band concert. He also offers them cocaine and sexual intercourse with a girl being held hostage in which they refuse to accept. The next day the school principal arrives first with a propane bomb and leaves it in the cafeteria. Derwin and Derick appear and open fire in the cafeteria, killing several people, before going to the basement, where they simultaneously kill each other. A police officer (Karl Pitt) and the school principal (Larry Wellman) enter the school to find a bomb that was placed there by the janitor (Rodney Sleurtols). While the policeman attempts to defuse it, the janitor is seen running away to safety before the policeman accidentally sets the bomb off. The aftermath involves the parents along with a teacher and the principal sharing their thoughts on Derwin and Derick as well as the victims. A scientist then expresses his theory of alien influence as a motive.

  • Movie ID 46852
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide October 26, 1999
  • Runtime 101 minutes
  • Genres Comedy
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages English
  • Production Countries United States of America
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Box Office Worldwide $6,034
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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